Photoshop Tennis Battle

Mud on your face, big disgrace, somebody better put your photoshop back into its place…


lol this is getting heated :stuck_out_tongue: Time for final touches, Kittt

  • Soul :s:


A week to go :bad:

*Originally posted by Soul *
**lol this is getting heated :stuck_out_tongue: Time for final touches, Kittt

  • Soul :s: **
    Yes Master, your wish is my command Master… :stuck_out_tongue:

My things to do list is creeping up… :sure:

I didn’t mean do it, I meant where are you to work on it together :sure:

Uh Oh seems like problems across the pond. :stuck_out_tongue:

Time is nearly up!!

just to be fair, tuesday is the 12th for us north americans, so two days left…

right now its 12:34am monday the 11th

As long as everyone submits tomorrow then we shouldn’t have any trouble with the time difference, we’ll just close it when everyones is in :thumb:

  • Soul :s:


We are doing it in typical Western style - last minute then a landslide victory!!!


This battle sux! :stuck_out_tongue:

No it doesn’t

yeah what he said

Nearly finished? :}

hurry up guys !! (and gals) i wanna see these pictures that have been created !! it has been ages.


I’m at work today until late. We will post in the evening. I’m thinking around 7-9PM Eastern Standard Time.

That’s the time window; the files will definetly be up today sometime.

Ours is ready :beam:

Can’t wait to see the results :slight_smile: I hope you guys won’t be the only ones to submit… :-\

Me too :-\ sends a PM to the other people