Ok, here is the British Punks (Soul + Kitiara) entry…
We hope you all like it :love:
- Soul :s: and Kit :cyborg:
Ok, here is the British Punks (Soul + Kitiara) entry…
We hope you all like it :love:
Nice work ya’ll!
Here’s ours…
Battle Entry Normal Viewing Size
Battle Entry Adjust Your Resolution
here’s the extra picture we used (we only used one)
[http://www.poorreflection.com/psbattle/ExtraPicture1.jpg](Extra Picture)
Thank you :} You guys too
NICE WORK !! all of you !!
soul how did you get the awesome looking border !?!? :beam:
pr studio i like the hole city scape thing it is awesome !!
It’s our new invention… white grunge :thumb: It’s now copywrited to me :sure:
really, well i like the look of it !! :}
White is so dreamy :love:
b r u s h e s
got any good sites to pick up any good brushes ???:-\
forum search!
Do you think the other entrants are still in this?
i dont know man,
you know how i am about the rules, but they still have some time
that one group sounded like they were done!?
We’ll see, I must sleep now. You keep an eye on the deadline
See you in the morning :}
gnite bro
Wow these are all good. Funny how we all kind of went in the same direction in some ways still. We all have the white grunge boarder. So when are the polls open?
i have looked at all the submitted entries and they look awesome !!!
nice work guys !!
E1kO :thumb:
loooove you cg! :trout:
small faces in our entry are also copyrighted as in ©! nyahaaahaa
Awesome work, all of you!! Et encore une fois, c’est ceux qui parlent le moins qui en font le plus… :beam:
what the…! opens freetranslation
…ah heeeheee :beam:
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