Hi, i have posted this site once b4 but i have done some more work to it. It still however is a work in progress.
I wanna know everythign thats wrong with it basically. How i can improve it , etc.
Hi, i have posted this site once b4 but i have done some more work to it. It still however is a work in progress.
I wanna know everythign thats wrong with it basically. How i can improve it , etc.
i really can’t find anything wrong with it…it’s a very good site…maybe not so much bouncing…get kinda crazy after a while…be a very cool idea nonetheless…i say keep it the way it is but fill in all the pages(duh!)
very nice site, clean and stylish…
Very creative & clean looking.
One criticism- when the links come in for the portfolio section (four squares on the right side) they drop in very fast and then move into place very slowly. Maybe speed that part up a little.
Nice Job!
very nice site, just a few things i will say
-i agree with jillymo about the squares in the portfolio section
Need to make them a bit quicker to go with the speed of the rest of your site.
you need a preloader for some of the content that loads in, i click on a button and nothing happens for a few seconds, so i m trying to guess if i pressed the button at all …eg the team pics.
theres no indication that i have my mouse over the butt other than mouse change, a slight colour change or something will reassure im about to press that button. Thats really about it.
Great site!
Soulty, thanks a lot those were some really good comments, i made the changes to the buttons like suggested.
Thank you also to everyone for the praise, it really feels good cos i put quite a bit of effort into this project.
And to everyone that hasnt posted a reply, please do. I value the opinion of almost everyone on these forums, this is a great place to be for a flash designer.
thank you
for some really dumb reasons my server isnt working and wont be for a day or 2, you can reach my site here though if you wanna take a look
Nice ! i like the mouse over movies. goes with your design. you could make the menu tween a bit more freely at the start.
-still no preloader to the team photos page?
hay Soulty
i think i fixed the problem witht he preloader, but i cant be sure cos its on my computer and all and it loads instantaneously.
thanks for the feedback
ps its finally back at
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