Plz people judge my site

hello everyone!

i’m back with AFTERSHOCK, the new name of the site i now have.
i need people to judge my site real hard, becuz i need to know what has to change…

PS the previous site i had was named HELLSTORM. maybe electrongeek remembers? never mind anyway :smirk:
p.s this is my friends site, i told him it sucked but he wouldn’t listen: :stuck_out_tongue:

cya michael

well, first off i don’t really like the layout of the site, but i do see where you’re going with it so i can appreciate that.

the text is hard to read with all the scan lines and i really see no reason why this is in flash…this could be done in html. maybe try adding some cool tranisitions…you know, “jazz it up.”

also there is like 50 px of dead space up top…why don’t you try getting rid of that

it’s hard to offer much more advice since there isn’t any content really, but keep trying!


oh yeah…tell your friend his site does suck.

Looking good!

The splash page, although nice, should be made up from elements of your site. I didn’t see the same flavor once inside your site. You have enough good elements within your site to make a good splash page.

The text on the right seemed wrong to me as you have it center justified. I think it would look better being left justified.

Maybe you could drop the TV lines back a bit making it easier to read [Especially the top left corner].

There is some nice animation on the page like the mail us anim. It could do with some more though.

Keep up the good work

Cool site, but just like teet said, it could be done in HTML…
i like your green colors too.

thnx everyone, as soon as i get some time ill try to fix those things. thnx for the comments!
