I’m bored so I decided to post a photoshop piece I did awhile back, nothing new, but I’d thought I’d share. =)
way cool EG!
any reason you used a Yellow lite source from the lower left?
curious is all.
holy cow!
I understand making something similar in 3ds max or some 3d program but in ps!!! VERY NEAT!
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**way cool EG!
any reason you used a Yellow lite source from the lower left?
curious is all.
Rev **
Actually I have no idea Rev, I was modeling after an image I saw in a magazine so I honestly have no idea. Good eye though Rev. =)
Phil did you get lost and wandered over here? haha
Thanks EG…
I see a lot of pool balls, and very few are fill-lit with yellow from the lower left…
Since it was a magazine shot, that explains it.
again, very nicely done. I like the way the reflections have depth.
hey elec…believe it or not i was checking out your site yesterday and i saw those exact same pool balls…coincidence? i think not :crazy:
anyways, the art you have up on your site is amazing…people should go check your gallery out =)
Thanks Mak, enjoy my gallery as long as you can because it won’t be up for too long. I’m planning on taking my site down and redoing it since I know more about flash now. Since it looks like I’m not going to win SOTW with this layout, I’ll give it a try with my next version. =)
was this done in PS?
*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**was this done in PS? **
Yes midipi, it was done in Photoshop 6.
wow! i looks 3D!
Thanks midipi, it took a lot of airbrushing to get it to look like that. =)
yeah, i never really used the AB. i should try it…
wow, i thought your site was pretty good!! now your redoing it…dam…well i hope it is even better this time around
Well I guess it’s not good enough for SOTW so that’s why I’m going to redo it, but it should be a lot better since I know more AS and shortcuts. I did things the hard way the first time so it should be better the 2nd time. =)