I plan on watching them. I’m not really rooting for anyone going in.
Thanks a lot!
My vidoe-recorder will watch it on behalf of me and will tell me tomorrow!
I just watched it, although it really doesn’t change my decision about either candidate, I think Bush did horrible, Kerry did a much better job at speaking overall, and that’ll get him a lota votes than Bush.
I think the exat opposite of you. Which means what I told my wife is probably right, Kerry people will think Kerry did best, and Bush people will think Bush did best.
^^^ Wow! You’re a genius. :lol:
I watched the debate but I’m a little confused as to what Bush was trying to say? Something about mixed mexicans thinking about playing hoops or somfin’ :lol:
Kerry contradicted himself at least 10 times - we were counting lol.
The looks on Bush’s face were priceless rofl…
The next two should be interesting -
I think the exat opposite of you. Which means what I told my wife is probably right, Kerry people will think Kerry did best, and Bush people will think Bush did best.
Did you LISTEN to the debate? Bush’s (And your own) ‘black and white’ conservatist ‘keep it simple stupid’ rationale caused him to mishandle the situation in Iraq. And needless to say, last night’s debate as well. It was Cowboy Pokey versus The Professor; you would be a stubborn arrogant to think Bush sounded articulate, and carried himself better. I am sick of hearing “Flip Flopper”. Kerry voted FOR funding a war in Irag BEFORE we invaded without exhausting efforts to pool support from the UN. It is the same old rhetoric with Bush, as demonstrated last night. I’ve heard “steadfast and resolved” ENOUGH, Bush might as well just “stay the course”. He does, after all, handle foreign issues just as well as dear old dad.
Kerry owned the stage, Bush looked like a 5 foot ape. nuff said
Yeah Bush abused the Kiss Rationale, and kept pausing every other question.
also, he used the same awnsers like 12 times in a row.
When Kerry brought up his promises to fix what bush started, bush replied with the Starve the Goverment Routine. “well where are you gonna get the money for all those promises?” in other words he tries to put in mind (4 times though the debate) that since that is gonna take alot of money that hes gonna boost the taxes.
My teacher asked me for one of the questions to Turn off the volume and look at which Of the 2 looked more in control. While Kerry had a good stand, Bush looked like a moron.
I agree that Kerry was more articulate and had that been a college debate thing, he was a shoe in. My point is look at the last 3 Presidential debates. Who has won? The guy that seems more like a nice guy talking right to you, not the collegiate speech team master. Bush used the same answers over and over because that is all he needed. His point was the Kerry has said things in the past that hurt our efforts and his solutions for the future will not work. We tried the bi-later talks with North Korea during Clinton and because of that they were able to walk away. We need China envolved. Also, he grand idea for Iraq is to hold a summit. He thinks that getting France and Germany to discuss things in a room somewhere will help Iraq?
well, some of the gourmet soldeirs and iraqis will then be able to enjoy escargot with good wine along with sour kraut and good beer!
Don’t forget the Vodka and sweet and sour chicken because I am sure he will want Russia and China there too… :h:
Has everyone forgotten the oil for food scandle and how Russia, Germany, China and France all seemed to be involved…now why did they not support the war???
Based on those arguments, if we assume that those arguements are true, its only fair to assume that America went to war also for buinsess needs, for the reconstruction profit, for haliburton and the big companies and of course for oil.
No that makes no sense. America and other free nations not involved in the Oil for Food saw a threat and acted. The nations that blocked the UN from acting were ALL involved in the scandle.
Here is a nice article that explains the “nobid” contract of Halliburton. http://www.townhall.com/columnists/richlowry/rl20030918.shtml They bid on a contract to provide services in 2001. The program is a multiyear contract for a corporation to be on call to provide whatever services might be needed quickly. It is the same contract that they won in 1992 and CLinton used them as no bid in the Balkans. This is not a Bush Cheney thing, it is a national defense thing.
Im just saying, if you think that those countries didnt want to go war because of money, its fair to say that america when to war because of money. Not to say its true, but both arguments have the same credibility, because me, and the majority of the world are against the war, we saw no threat, and most of us have no buisness or oil contract in Iraq.
The UN saw a threat for 12 years. Why else would that have passed 1441? All the US did was to hold up that with which the UN said it would do but was unwilling to do when the time came.
US/UN = good cop/bad cop scenario
Are we going to start this again?
Every year after the gulf-war Iraq military was going downhill, they where under constant surveilance, even the white house was saying how bad their military was, but suddenly they are a threat. And then we invade, and as it turns out they are not a thread, but now we have no choice but to slug-it out. Now this leaves us vulnerable in other parts of the world, because Iran know we arent going to fight them now, as we are going to be tied for a long time in Iraq. N. Korea counldn’t be happier, and now people are enlisitng. 1441 was passed to admit that Iraq should be considered, then we
but in the end, they did not think it was a threat. The Majority of the world didn’t think it was a threat. UN passed 1441, but they didn’t authorise war, for a good reason.
Look, I am sure you are conviced that there where a huge threat, I am not, and I tried to convice myself that they where a threat but there is no way I could see a single reason for the invason.
I know you don’t have kids RB, but let me give the analogy again. If you tell your kids don’t do that or you will get a spanking, and then they do it and you don’t spank, then you can be sure they will misbehave the same way again. And each time you don’t do what you say you will, they get worse and worse. The same happend here. The world kept saying do this or else…but the else never came. After 9/11 the US decided that when there is a threat, we have to act before it materializes. If we had done another round of UN or elses…Saddam would have waited us out. Eventually the US would turn a blind eye and he would re-constitute his weapons. This is what happened in North Korea under Clinton. Saddam had links to terrorist groups, Sadddam had the means to make WMD, Saddam used WMD in the past, Egypt, Russia, the CIA and Britian all said he had WMD.
Just because you seem friendly in the debates, it doesn’t mean you are going to win.