Just because you win the debate, doesn’t mean that America likes what you had to say and will elect you.
YOu could win a debate saying all babies should be setilized at birth, that doesn’t mean that people agree with the argument. Just that you presented your agument better.
I didnt’ stay to watch the whole debate, did they say anything about Universal Healthcare? that whould revolutionize america drastically for the better good
So what are you saying, you give you kids pre-emptive spankings?
Iraq had no link with 9/11, none of the evidence supplied that he had WMDs held up unders scrutuny, none!!! Other countries, (including Russia) did not beleive he had WMD’s, and yes Britain did believe, but even before the war they found out that there was fabricated evidence, and now even more aligations. Iraq was not a threat, they didn’t do anything to us…
And we still went to war.
We didn’t find anything, we had no proof whatsoevery they he was going to develop weapons. Everyone was saying his military is falling appart, he was a threat to no one. The best case seniario for us? We screwd up, we though he had em, but he didnt, we where wrong. The worst? We invaded them for other reasons. Iraq wasnt worth one american life.
Pre-emtive war is nothing new, if there is a threat US always fought on distant land, thats why we fought WW1 and WW2 in europe, even Vietnam, which at the very least had an ideological stance which went in hand with the US Containment policy.
I can’t see how we can still argue about this? All asumptions where proven false. And now what do we have, between 12 000 to 15 000 Iraqi dead, over 1000 American casualties, 7348 wounded. All because of wrong assumptions. Iraq is on the brink of civil war, America is bitterly devided, we are weaker all ove the world, because Iran knows we wont do anything about them, so does Nk. The terrorist ranks are swelling, and know one knows how long we are going to be there, all because of evidence, that would not have held up in any court in the USA.