Can someone please review our new print site and give some feedback. It woulg be greatly appreciated
Can someone please review our new print site and give some feedback. It woulg be greatly appreciated
I like the logo, it’s really nice and clean. The layout isn’t bad either, but I would work on your transitions, they just seem too plain and boring.
Also I don’t like how things open up in pop ups when it could be incorporated into the layout. You can use loadMovie to load in external movies and it would look a lot cleaner.
Nice work, those balls were a good idea.
The content swapping could use some transitions, it looks kinda static now.
I think the balls bouncing in the contact section should decrease bouncing, so that they’ll eventualy stop to he ground.
At the profile section, let one line blank and then put Call us today for … underneath it, without those ugly lookin’ dots.
Remove the spaces in the browser title.
That’s all, gr8 work :beam::thumb:
Thankz guys!
I agree with you’s 100% and it will be changes soon!
We just built this to get something up right away, and all of us at promediaprint definitely no we need some transitional movement to this site.
You shouldn’t blur the image. I would like to see it.
I’m missing on contact, the country where your company is situated from
Looks Good!
“Here” should be “Hear” - thats in the testimonials section.
Looks Good
Marcellinus :goatee:
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