PS2 vs Xbox. I know you will make the right choice

Well, I bought a PS1 when they came out, and played it so much eventually it broke. :blush: So I bought another one. Chipped the new one so I could play imports from America like Xenogears… Then I had the original one fixed so I had two.

The PS2 and X Box were kind of obvious really.

Ended up with two Amigas after I got one (Amiga 500) for Christmas back in '89. Upgraded it with a memory expansion, but still couldn’t play all the games I wanted so bought a 1200 as well.

The SNES I bought off a mate so I could play Mortal Kombat and Secret of Mana…

And don’t ask about the PCs. :stuck_out_tongue:

What about the PCs, oh digital angel? :stuck_out_tongue:

I have acquired them over the years. :beam:

One is pretty old, and is hand built, so it’s been upgraded to death, really. I’ve also got two Compaq d510’s, which are quite nice. :slight_smile:

Nice :slight_smile: I have a Pentium III 500 Mhz desktop PC and a Pentium VI 2.4 Ghz laptop. A Sega MegaDrive (Genesis) and a Commodore 54 thingy from my dad. Works with tapes and stuff. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Niann *
**For me the choice was easy… I like RPGs Thats really all I play on the console systems. (I still have a working Sega CD just for Lunar :slight_smile: ) So I got a PS2. (FFX X-2 XI XII, Xenosaga, Arc the Lad etc…) Plus I can still play all my PS1 Games. =) I still have my PS1, for the same reason as Kit. :wink: In any case I don’t really know about the rest of the game types (FPS, RTS, Racing, etc…) But Sony has had the RPG market cornered for years. =)

-Niann **

OH MAN! Lunar on Sega CD was such a good RPG! A buddy of mine lent it to me when it was like brand new when I was in junior high. I blew off so many baseball games and practices because of that game. I would love to start that bad oscar over again. The only thing I remember from it was that cool white dragon. I just know I loved it.