…It’s a PS2 Vs. Xbox thread. Where do you get PC from? :P:P
:sigh: … the british sense of humour is wasted on this forum, i tell ya …
It is. Because… like. …Yeah. I watch british comedies and all I can do is stare while my aunt wails with laughter (she’s VERY british). I understand… sort of where they’re coming from. But it’s not funny.
Also: Statistically -> canadians have the most intelligent senses of humor.
Or something like that.
Germans like it when jokes make people look stupid. Uhm. American’s like just about anything…
I’m off topic!
I dont think I could play CS on Xbox unless I had a keyboard and mouse.
Apparently many thought the same, but I hear the controller is rather intuitive. It’s an exclusive in some magazine (which also has a Splinter Cell 2 exclusive). Makes you look twice.
Could this thread be any older lol.
omg, lol… just looked at the first post date… hahaha. ok… which numpty dragged this one from it’s grave?
cough PC! PC! cough
I did! I’m a graverobber!
I was actually searching to see if there was already a PS3 thread, so that I could tag my joke page onto that.
Am I the only responsible Kirupian? Hello?
PS2 for sure. Like Jubba said, it is not owned by Microsoft ( NOT :P).
It has a way better controller ( the XBOX’s is just a plain ROCK which makes your hands hurt when you use it too long ).
There are way more and way better games for PS2. These are about the best:
– Grand Theft Auto Vice City
– Grand Theft Auto III
– SSX (Tricky)
– Final Fantasy X, X2 & XI
– Metal Gear Solid 2
– Driver III
– Enter The Matrix
– Gran Turismo 3 & 4
– Kingdom Hearts
– NBA Street
– NFS Hot Pursuit 2
– Silent Hill 2 & 3
– Socom US Navy Seals
– Tekken 4
– TimeSplitters 2
– Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 & 4
– Halo (2)
– Project Gotham Racing
– Splinter Cell
– Ghost Recon 2
You were saying Aislin ? :bad:
You don’t have to pay for online gaming by standard, you have to for XBOX (not sure though, but I think it was).
It just rocks !
You have to buy the net adapter for PS2. You buy the software for Xbox, and get the headset, and a 1 year free subscription.
Also, to prove you… More wrong.
The xbox controller wasn’t all that bad. And because of the smallhanded people of the eastern (is japan eastern?) world, they’ve already changed it.
Next… your list of PS2 games.
– Grand Theft Auto Vice City (Same Game as GTAIII! :P)
– Grand Theft Auto III (Same Game as VC! :P)
– SSX (Tricky) (Amped)
– Final Fantasy X, X2 & XI (XI is pay ALOT to play, wasn’t that a complaint you made about xbox…)
– Metal Gear Solid 2 (On Xbox)
– Driver III (On Xbox)
– Enter The Matrix (On Xbox)
– Gran Turismo 3 & 4 (A hardly improved driving series… I believe there’s a few of those on the xbox)
– Kingdom Hearts (Spinoff of an RPG? I’m sure Microsoft’s big share of Sega can compensate.)
– NBA Street (On Xbox)
– NFS Hot Pursuit 2 (What???)
– Silent Hill 2 & 3 (Uh-huh. I’m not sure. but I think 3 is on Xbox.)
– Socom US Navy Seals (Ghost Recon. Ghost Recon. Ghost Recon.)
– Tekken 4 (Dead or Alive 3)
– TimeSplitters 2 (Splinter Cell 1 or 2)
– Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 & 4 (On Xbox)
List ain’t so impressive now, is it?
Not trying to flame, I’m just trying to prove that the Xbox really honestly is good competition for the PS2. And as of E3, it’s pretty much better. Fable alone (if it lives up to expectations) will blow FFX->FFXII out of the water. But I’ll still buy FFXII cause I’m squaresofts whore. whimpers softly while going to pre-order FFX-2
Aislin - I do not agree with some of the things you have said.
1 - Time Splitters 2 - you compared it to Splinter Cell 1 or 2, they are not even close to the same type of games. Not to mention that the PS2 is going to have both of those games anyway.
2 - Kindom Hearts - it’s a great RPG in it’s own right and very critically aclaimed… not everything that is an RPG has to be like what has been done before. It’s a great game.
3 - Gran Turismo - Hands down the best simulation racer on any system… and number 4 is going to push the limits of PS2 beyond belief. Another fantastic series.
4 - SSX Tricky - it’s nothing like Amped - again, not a good comparison. SSX tricky is part of the “big” series from EA… Amped is more realistic.
with all this said - I am by no means a PS2 advocit - in fact I dont really like the machine… but I will admit they have some great games and amazing series.
haha, i watched my cousin’s ps2 crash while he was playing enter the matrix.
You have to buy the net adapter for PS2. You buy the software for Xbox, and get the headset, and a 1 year free subscription.
True, but what’s ONE year ? And you can only have one account, if you want another, you have to buy another set.
**Also, to prove you… More wrong.
The xbox controller wasn’t all that bad. And because of the smallhanded people of the eastern (is japan eastern?) world, they’ve already changed it.**
Yeah, exactly, they’ve changed it. Now why would that be ? :bad:
Next… your list of PS2 games.
– Grand Theft Auto Vice City (Same Game as GTAIII! :P)
No way !! It’s a whole new game ! It involves helikopters, and motorcycles, and three times more weapons, and buildings you can buy, and outfits you can change and sooo much more
– Grand Theft Auto III (Same Game as VC! :P)
Yet again, NO WAY !! It was a whole revolution for gaming. It wasn’t for nothing best sold game. It’s also harder then Vice. It makes no sense saying that the previous version is like the sequel.
** – SSX (Tricky) (Amped) **
This can’t be compared. Amped is more simulation than Tricky is arcade.
**-- Final Fantasy X, X2 & XI (XI is pay ALOT to play, wasn’t that a complaint you made about xbox…) **
Yeah, XI is to pay, but ain’t much. And do you know WHY you have to pay for it ? Because they are constantly working on it and making it better. Which is a blessing, isn’t it ? And what about X & X2 ? You didn’t say anything about those :bad: …
– Metal Gear Solid 2 (On Xbox)
Some time after the original to quickly pull some money from people who know that it’s a great game on PS2.
– Driver III (On Xbox)
– Enter The Matrix (On Xbox)
– Gran Turismo 3 & 4 (A hardly improved driving series… I believe there’s a few of those on the xbox)
Hard to improve because it already is the best and certainly the most beautiful racing game on earth.
– Kingdom Hearts (Spinoff of an RPG? I’m sure Microsoft’s big share of Sega can compensate.)
Yeah, that’s how they do it, they have to buy developers to get good games.
– NBA Street (On Xbox)
– NFS Hot Pursuit 2 (What???)
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2. You haven’t even heard about it !?
– Silent Hill 2 & 3 (Uh-huh. I’m not sure. but I think 3 is on Xbox.)
Nope, no three on XBOX.
– Socom US Navy Seals (Ghost Recon. Ghost Recon. Ghost Recon.)
– Tekken 4 (Dead or Alive 3)
True, those are about equal.
– TimeSplitters 2 (Splinter Cell 1 or 2)
Can’t be compared either. Splinter Cell is more about sneaking, TimeSplitters about action.
– Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 & 4 (On Xbox)
**** you XBOX great-game stealers
List ain’t so impressive now, is it?
**Not trying to flame, I’m just trying to prove that the Xbox really honestly is good competition for the PS2. And as of E3, it’s pretty much better. Fable alone (if it lives up to expectations) will blow FFX->FFXII out of the water. But I’ll still buy FFXII cause I’m squaresofts whore. whimpers softly while going to pre-order FFX-2 **
It has better hardware, that’s one thing. But better gaming experience …
This is madness…
They are both great. I would reccomend to anyone to go grab them both.
I think this debat really gets intersting with the new PS2 coming out. Sucs that they pushed back the PS3 till 2007.
For me the choice was easy… I like RPGs Thats really all I play on the console systems. (I still have a working Sega CD just for Lunar ) So I got a PS2. (FFX X-2 XI XII, Xenosaga, Arc the Lad etc…) Plus I can still play all my PS1 Games. =) I still have my PS1, for the same reason as Kit.
In any case I don’t really know about the rest of the game types (FPS, RTS, Racing, etc…) But Sony has had the RPG market cornered for years. =)
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Yep, I voted! PS2 all the way! **
me too
Neither. But if I had to, I would pick the Xbox. This wouldn’t have been my choice before, but the Xbox has a lot of intresting games too now. Don’t care if it’s Microcrap. Besides, the graphics are better than the PS2. Compare Hitman2 on both consoles, you’ll see…
If the graphics aren’t that big a deal for you, pick a second hand Sega Dreamcast. Now that was a console. Good games too.
Now, when it comes to console design, who cares? OK, it’s great when the plastic thing looks nice, but I wouldn’t really care. Like a PC, it’s the stuff inside that matters + the games. Especially the games. Always the games.
That’s my opinion. I don’t own a new console (only a Sega MegaDrive / Genesis), but I played a lot on the PS2 and Xbox before. I have friends who invite me over to play. I like consoles, but I prefer a nice PC. Hitman is best on PC.
I’ve just worked out that I own the following:
PS1 (chipped)
PS1 (not chipped)
X Box
3 PCs
2 Amiga 1200’s
And this scares me.
:stunned: It should scare you!
Two PS1? Why is that for? Can’t you play copied games on your chipped PS1?