Putin, Governors, and Popular Election

In an address yesterday, Putin said he would introduce a law to effectively end the direct election of governors in Russia’s 89 regions. Instead, he said, Kremlin-nominated candidates would be “endorsed” by local legislatures. Further changes to the State Duma will eliminate local constituency races that currently fill half the Duma’s 450 seats, in favor of electing the entire parliament by using centrally compiled national party lists.

If members of my party had 67% control over portions of the national gov’t, I would be increasing my salary, building a larger official residence, etc. And people think the Patriot Act is bad :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously - while I think Putin shows the kind of tough-guy figure that Russia may need, this is a little too far. His party controlling gov’t means that he can pretty much get most legislation passed without much of a debate. The new reforms pretty much ensure that Putin will have a far greater influence in local governments across the nation for a long time to come.

Besides, I wouldn’t argue against Putin unless I had a full-time security profile anyway :slight_smile:

Funny this is all happening. It is also funny that a former KGB would be president. I have heard in the past that it is just a matter of time before Russia reverts to Kommunist rule or possibly a fascist regime. I have not put any stock into these theories but circumstances like this gets your imagination going.
Perhaps RussianBeer has some input on the subject?

former KGB chief:wink:
And the only president in the world with a Judo black belt and the capacities to fly a jet… Putin is a dictator in a democratic suit. Final. This latest effort to close down on the Duma and the so-called Republics that sattelite around Russia is just one more step towards an out-in-the-open dictatorship with nukes.

former KGB chief.

Holly crap!!! Is that true?!! They don’t have laws against stuff like that there?
Just imagine how much dirt he has had his hands in. That is a scary thought pomme_, really scary.
[ot] How do you pronounce pomme_ [/ot]

[ot]pom (as in “come”, not as in “home”)[/ot]

[ot] i attached what I think it sound like, is it right [/ot]

[ot]nope. read only the first 3 letters, the rest is our French way of being obnoxious (doubling letters and letters that no one pronounces). So.
P as in pan.
O as in come.
M as in mustard.
The rest is superflous.
It means “Apple” btw.

BACK ON TOPIC NOW. please use private messages aknatn.


A President using a terror attack to consolidate power?? Unheard of!!!

All supporters of the Bushs who think that it is not good to have a intelligence director as a president should (once more) think again.

Former president G.W. Bush Senior once was president of the CIA.

(If you don’t like this sources, just type
"bush senior" "former cia director"
into your google toolbar.
Just in case you need about 500 more.)

I neither like the Bushs nor Putin
(which might be clear after my ‘little disagreement’ with some Bush-fans in the november-poll-thread).

Right, Bush sr. Was CIA director… but yeah…

Just when I was begining to warm up to putin he goes and pulls this crap.

A President using a terror attack to consolidate power?? Unheard of!!!

Hahaha, funny Mj, but thats what I was afraid off after the hostage crisis.
I am going to read up on this some more before I give you my total statment.