Hi, I hope this is the right forum for this if not apologies in advance.
I see alot written about the Mozilla browser. I guess alot of people on these forums choose to use it. I use IE.
I was wondering what the pros and cons were to switching over?
Why do you all choose to use it over IE? (And please I would like a real answer than just IE sucks, Microsoft sucks Etc. That’s not going to help me decide to move over to it and give it a try :))
Is it better than IE and if so how? Do more designers use it, why?
I’ve heard that there are less security problems on Mozilla than in IE, but I myself have never had a problem with security in IE.
The upgrades are automatic on Mozilla? Is that true? I’m fuzzy on what I actually have heard about this.
I would really appreciate some feedback. I’ve gone to the site to check it out but I would like to know more from people that actually use it because a corporate site can feed you all the BS they want and actual users can give me the truth.
Thanks in advance!