Quick vector


i did this vector in about half an hour when i was just mucking around with drawing… i’m actually making a flash animation for a big school project, so i was seeing if it was a viable option, because i’m not really good at drawing, especially with a mouse

anyway, i kinda liked how it turned out, even though it’s a bit unrealistic (especially the face, looks a bit weird i know) and i think the scale’s a bit wrong too, but it wasn’t a serious thing so i didn’t bother fix it
EDIT: on looking at it again, i think that the nose is too big, and the shadow areas around the eye are either technically wrong (i.e in placement) or too dark, or both - i haven’t really studied shading much, i really need to do more i think! -
Comments/critiques are welcome, so please say what you really think!

and yes, i was aiming for the stylised look with the shading, it’s not just messy fillwork :slight_smile:
in the future i want to do other styles of vector too =)


that looks nice… i like the style, but the face looks pretty scary…

nice job though.

Nice… I’m curious, did you use a mouse or a tablet?

if its amouse its bloody good…

it’s done with a mouse… i wish i had a tablet :stuck_out_tongue:

but i’ve also heard that a pen isn’t always much better for vector work, especially if you’re using the bezier tool. Do people agree with this?

Yes. :slight_smile:

If I want to draw freehand, then my Wacom beats the mouse hands down. But if I’m trying to use the Pen tools then I need the mouse back. :slight_smile:

I might try taking my tablet home with me over the weekend for ‘testing’ though… :stuck_out_tongue:

lol kit. hahaha. that looks great btw! i like the style~