Doug Naylor is currently in Australia investigating studio facilities and commencing preliminary design work for intended shooting in late September. The move may come as a surprise to those who expected a Shepperton shoot. “We had originally planned for Shepperton,” Doug told, “but at the time we were told there were no studios available. We looked everywhere - Germany, Austria, Italy - and eventually Richard Taylor at Weta (Lord of the Rings) recommended Australia.”
Ultimately, Doug has been pleased with how things have turned out. “We’ve been delighted by everything we’ve found out here. Australia’s the sci-fi capital of the world right now. Star Wars, The Matrix, Farscape… It’s the ideal place for Red Dwarf.”
*Originally posted by reverendflash * I’m beginning to quiver with excitement…
Are you sure that your not just having a bad reaction to that chicken vindaloo?
Red Dwarf movie… I’[m so going to be first in line for that. And if I’m lucky, it might come out in the UK before it does in America and I won’t have to wait! Yippee! :beam:
Very cool comedy series here in england, it does get shown in america though, Rev watches it! Its about this space ship and most of the crew get killed apart form a few people. Not your average sci-fi