Riddle me this

thank you guig0

you deserve the credit dude… you solved a bad riddle :stuck_out_tongue:

check ren´s post :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry guys, i must be drunk :hangover:

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**whats the next number in the sequence:

[COLOR=red]1211[/COLOR] **

So three should be 1211? Who has the correct riddle?

Let’s get back on track:

*Originally posted by IshiXP *
**What’s bright, blue, grey, and white, that shines on your face? **

yeah, i caught the mistake but i just went with it, i didint wanna redo like the last 4 lines

*Originally posted by RenaissanceGirl *
**How did you get row 3? Isn’t it one two and one one? (1211)? **

er… Mmmm… you edited!!

yes, yes… you edited to make me look bad :bad:

shame on you!!!

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


Me? Abuse my mod powers? NEVER! :trout:

don´t hurt me dear… there´s always a chance that i might like it :wink:

a black eye(shiner)?

What’s bright, blue, grey, and white, that shines on your face?

This is way too easy!

I have no clue.

Ishi: Are they blue, grey and white at the same time or sometimes. Are some of them blue and some grey and some white? Are there many of them or just one? Does every person have one?

Where is Jubba when you need him…

It is always blue, grey, and white.

Come on people - we can ask yes/no questions.

So is it a tangible thing? Is it ALWAYS shining on your face?

The sky?


you guys are clueless :slight_smile: hahah
this is funny for me.
Nope not the sky.

Ren Girl… Yes, If you are in the right place

If you want to know the answer highlight below next to the smiley face
<font color="#FFFFFF" size=“1” face=“Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif”>the kirupaforums
duh! :)</font>

Are you saying “yes it is tangible if you’re in the right place” or “yes it is always shining in your face if you’re in the right place?” Do you mean geographically? Can it shine on any other parts of your body?

Kirupaforum.com :slight_smile:

Your too smart Rengirl sorry… the answer is too obviouse. :slight_smile: