Riddle me this

I swear I didn’t see the highlight text thing! I SWEAR I SWEAR I SWEAR!!

Jubba is right

Like I said: where is Jubba when you need him!

Your turn Jubster!

I think I will repeat Law’s since no one ever answered it:

you r trapped in a room with only 2 doors.
you have to leave through one of the doors.
one leads to certain death the other to freedom.
there are also 2 men.
one always tells the truth and one always lies but u don’t know which is which.
you can ask them one question.
what question can you ask which wil lead you to the right door.

are you telling the truth?


well each one would say yes. Neither man is saying anything about the doors, you have to ask them…

they´re randomly placed, or the liar is on the wrong door and the honest is on the right door?

they aren’t guarding the doors they are just in the room with you and to figure out which door is which you can ask each of them one question.

I just copied and pasted his post, didnt realize it wasn’t fully explained…

actually I think you can only ask one question.



_______ | _______
| |
| |
| |
| {} |
| |
| [COLOR=red]{}[/COLOR] |
| |
|______________ |

The red {} is the liar the other one is not
NOTE: This diagram doesn’t help at all! But I know the answer i think.

You can ask: I am only asking the person who tells the truth, Are you closer or further from the freedom exit that the liar is?

ask them:

Which door will the other guy tell me to go through…


Rev is right.

Mike thats two questions.

I’ll use mitosis and go through both doors… that way one of my copies will survive and one wont.

Edit: Nevermind… I just remembered.

this is a very stupid one, but here goes nothing, what starts with F and ends with K


there can be no answer to the lying question, cause no matter what that guy will lie, so if you say im only asking the one whos telling the truth, the lier will act like hes telling the truth (thats my thought)

porpous: Rev said the right answer.

and for the one where rev answered, that could be wrong…**** i lost my train of thought… uhhh, oh yeah, how will the guy whos telling the truth know the other guy is a lier?