Riddle me this

dammit, didn’t give me time to get it wrong :frowning:

New riddle:

In a world where 1 is 2, 5 is 5, and 8 is 7, what appears when you multiply 331 times 3 and reverse heaven and hell?

any takers?


no. 1- your math is wrong. 2- no.

how is my math wrong?
331 would be 332… and that times 3 is 996
i know its not the right answer but my math is right.

you’re thinking is wrong. You’re way off. :slight_smile:

I didn’t think about the 1 is 2 thing, but no. 1 is 2. 331 != 332.

is that like freaky deaky actionscript that means does not equal or something?
anywho… im gonng go to a different thread where i dont feel like a complete and total moron

its a tough riddle… took me a few minutes to get it too

no one?



thank you rev. now lets see if anyone else can figure out why… :slight_smile:

I want you to know I “killed a buzz” figger’n that one out…

UOMe 1 buzz…



lol… good job. :slight_smile: I owe you. :wink:

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**New riddle:

In a world where 1 is 2, 5 is 5, and 8 is 7, what appears when you multiply 331 times 3 and reverse heaven and hell?

just reposting so no one has to look thru.

ooh, cunning. yeah, I gotcha. though maybe Egg is more correct.

clueless still

here’s my attempt:

331 * 3 = 993

reversing so kinda spells egg (399). since 331 != 1 (331 is not the same as 1), you don’t change the number.

sounds kinda sketchy, but that’s all i can think of right now.

Hm… I think there’s something with reversing 9 to 6 (heaven & hell). You know, 999 -> 666, or something.

Ugh, actually I have no idea. But I had that “who is he?” riddle from the first time.

yeah the answer is egg, but here’s the reason why.

In a world where 1 is 2, 5 is 5, and 8 is 7…

The world is a calculator… or a pager… where a 1 is composed of two lines. A 5 is made up of 5 sections and an 8 is made by 7 lines… So right there we are working with the block numbers from a calculator.

331 * 3 = 993

reverse heaven and earth - EGG

boy was i wrong…