Riddle me this

Originally posted by IshiXP
What’s bright, blue, grey, and white, that shines on your face?

the sky


That was already anserwed

oh sry, i had to ask my sis for that, i gave up, i just got on this forum like 10 minutes ago i skipped pages

A farmer and his hired help were carrying grain to the barn. The farmer carried one sack of grain and the hired help carried two sacks. Who carried the heavier load and why?

the helper was carring less because he was ONLY carring sacks!
I WIN!!!

the hired help because he had 2 for billion pound bags

I AM MADE AT YOU PORPUSE2! You and your little AIM spelling mistakes! :smiley:

Here I found this on the internet but the answer wasn’t posted. Does anyone know it:

An evil king has 1000 bottles of wine. A neighboring queen plots to kill the bad king, and sends a servant to poison the wine. The king’s guards catch the servant after he has only poisoned one bottle. The guards don’t know which bottle was poisoned, but they do know that the poison is so potent that even if it was diluted 1,000,000 times, it would still be fatal. Furthermore, the effects of the poison take one month to surface. The king decides he will get some of his prisoners in his vast dungeons to drink the wine. Rather than using 1000 prisoners each assigned to a particular bottle, this king knows that he needs to murder no more than 10 prisoners to figure out what bottle is poisoned, and will still be able to drink the rest of the wine in 5 weeks time. How does he pull this off?

renn, how about this:

the servant of the neighboring queen is now a prisioner, right?

so the king makes the servant drink one drop of each bottle, the one that the servant refuses to drink is the one that is poisoned :wink:

that’s a good answer, guig, but unless the king has 1000 different kinds of wine, how would the servant know which of the 1000 wines he poisoned?

i may be wrong, that does sound like a correct answer.

I think I’ve figured a way that kills only two prisoners.

tell me if you can spot a flaw in this:

divide the bottles into ten groups of 100.

now take ten prisoners and assign each to a group, making them sample all 100 bottles in their group.

now take 100 prisoners numbered 1 to 100.
they will all sample one bottle from each group.
number 1 will sample the first bottle in each group
number 2 will sample the second in each group, and so on.

so, for example, if prisoner number 50 dies, then it means that bottle 50 from one of the groups is poisoned. so you check which of the initial ten prisoners has died because the bottle is in whichever group he sampled all of.

do you follow this?

Another solution

it is just a word game.

5 weeks is more than one month (the time for the effects of the poison to surface), leaving almost a week to the king drink his wine.

so, the king just have to assign one prisioner to A DROP of each bottle, killing only one (less than ten), the one the die is the one that drunk from the poisoned bottle :wink:

well, i think the king would want to drink his wine by that time. i mean, wouldn’t you like to keep as much of your wine as you can?

it’s a badly worded puzzle, but I think it’s meant to suggest that he isn’t going to use that method.

thinking about the solution using the queens servant. what if the servant is very loyal to the queen and is willing to die for the cause. the solution falls apart.

then they would know which bottle was poisoned wouldn’t they?

unless he dies some other way.

but if they were making him taste all the bottles to see which he wouldn’t drink, if he was willing to die for the cause, he would drink the poisoned one anyway, they wouldn’t know which one it was since he would have tried them all.

what would you do if you ran away from prison and the poilce are loking for you. you found a forest. you decided that you hide in it. the police knew that your hinding in it so they followed you and waited for you to come out and they surrounded it from both sides. you did not come out yet so they decided to burn the forest from the biggining. you cant run to the end cuz the fire is way faster than you. so what would you do?

there is many ways to do it

sorry, Ren… I meant add this one.

What weighs more: a pound of feathers or a pound of gold?

Bet you a lot of people will get it wrong.

If I am not mistaken, a pound of gold is actually 14 (troy) oz, so therefore a pound ( 16 oz ) of feathers weighs more…


that is correct, Rev. Of course, you spoiled it cause I know a lot of people were going to say “A pound is a pound”