Saddam Hussein Caught?

I was waiting for that post, Phil. I see you’re already hard at work on the next conspiracy.


nope, but now Bush pretty much won, that’s also cr*p

the one with the quotes was me. :smiley:
Well, then what about Japan? tell those people from hiroshima that USA are not cruel.
Cruelty is defined by the point of view. for those who supported him, he wasn’t cruel.
But I wasn’t trying to say, that he was not cruel, with that.
He was cruel.

i think the only people who really can debate about this are the iraquis who are the people that know firsthand what this person did and what is capable of doing, and i may not like bush much but you gotta admit this guy has some cojones and is a person who against all odds does what he seems is right to him and he just got his way and accomplished what he wanted, if that is in the best interest of the US or the world we still have to wait and see, like i said i hope someone worse than saddam doesnt takes over now.

If there’s one thing for sure, it’s the fact that Bush may be one of the most polarizing figures in American history, most people either seem to hate everything he’s ever done or think the man can do no wrong. Props to you for looking at his actions with an open mind and I also totally agree with you that it will be some time to come before we can say with any certainty if Bush’s War on Terror has helped to make the world a safer place or not.

I’m in the Bush camp there, I’m hoping it’s working, but like you, I don’t think we can say with any certainty the ultimate effectiveness of Bush’s War.

Do you think this excuses the use of nuclear bomb?

BTW: I know I am on thin ice. I feel good over here :wink:

tell those people from hiroshima that USA are not cruel.

Hiroshima? Nagasaki? I have a two word response: Pearl Harbor.

They started it, we finished it, and it should also be noted that an invasion of Japan would have been far bloodier on both sides. But let’s stick with the Saddam capture. It fascinates me to no end how some people have more bad things to say about Bush then they’ll ever have to say about Saddam. Continue, please.

geez, I so hate it when you believe in all this stuff they show you on tv. Did you see this one clip where the iraqis were standing on the other side of the road ?
The clip started some waved, and all of the sudden all of them are jumping waving and doing happy faces… That’s not the truth, that’s crap…

the iraqis have already made it clear how they pheel; they are happy. none are booing or hissing his demise;

:huh: wow, I think we can really see what the whole iraqi people feel from that few pics. Someone may tell you that the things shown on television do not always mirror reality, but don’t belive those people, they are just pessimists. :wink:

I agree with you that being free from saddam is good for Iraq, but still most of the people there are not too happy about the american invadors

the iraqis have already made it clear how they pheel; they are happy. none are booing or hissing his demise;

:huh: wow, I think we can really see what the whole iraqi people feel from that few pics. Someone may tell you that the things shown on television do nat always mirror reality, but don’t belive those people, they are just pessimists. :wink:

I agree with you that being free from saddam is good for Iraq, but still most of the people there are not too happy about the american invadors

I wonder if the strikes against American Soldiers are gonna increase or decrease now that Saddam has been captured and all possibility of him returning is gone.

If Bush is such a great person in your opinion, then please tell me some of the great things he has done… seriously…

The clip started some waved, and all of the sudden all of them are jumping waving and doing happy faces… That’s not the truth, that’s crap…

People are always like that, they save it for when the camera lights turn on.

wow, I think we can really see what the whole iraqi people feel from that few pics. Someone may tell you that the things shown on television do nat always mirror reality, but don’t belive those people, they are just pessimists.

You’re the one who told us with certainty that Iraqis hated the U.S. far more than Saddam. I ask you only to actually do a little research before you make such bold claims. Try googling “Gallup Iraq Poll” or “Zogby Iraq Poll”.

interesting point El_Thierro, I think the number won’t change. But who knows …


This is a historical day, isn’t it? Phil and Mikey agreeing on things. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *

relax phor a day, and celebrate the demise of a horribly evil murderous man; geepers~ :sigh:

you got your panties in a bunch; Saddam is gone. He will reign no more; And the Iraqi people are quite thrilled about this.

cheer up-
pj :stuck_out_tongue: **
I agree with Phil.

We have to stop thinking about all the negativity, step back for a second, and be glad this rotten son of a ***** is gone.

I love it, you don’t see in any way that this could be arranged, right ? That’s poor, but that’s what the US Gov needs, people who watch TV and believe it…

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *

you guys are buzzkills-

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

ARGH! There goes my appetite ;(

well, as said before:
if they kill him he will become a martyr, and the strikes against American Soldiers will increase.
Although I don’t think killing him will be such a good idea.
Throw him into jail and let him think about what he did the whole little rest of his life.

yeah, that’s disgusting…

We need more enlightened US citizens and the world would be such a nice place :slight_smile:

What jail? Guantanamo Bay?
And where will he be sued? Or without trial, just like all those other Talibanistanianians?