I’ve been working on a few ideas for 3D characters lately and this is one of them. It’s scanned lineart worked on in photoshop and hopefully it will eventually be 3D depending on how much time I get over the next week.
Comments and Crit welcome! (The lineart is a little jagged 'cause I did it sitting on the couch ).
The lineart was scanned into photoshop and coloured. I’ll be modelling in 3D studio Max r4. I’m hoping to get this finished before a game modelling comp starts next saturday… not much time, but I’ll see how I go.
Still haven’t decided whether to make this model low poly or high poly? It would look pretty cool as a game model and wouldn’t take as long to create… but I sacrifice detail then.
How about you guys decide for me, High poly or Low poly?
Nice work… Not sure on the shadowed foot in the background though, but could just be me. It seems like it goes from the fantastic line art into a smudgey gradient… I dunno. It loses all the definition past that point…
I think it needs more head. Its good that its slick and streamlined, but its small head makes it look dumb. Because its so cool I would suspect its not a ‘bad guy’ in which case its ok, and sometimes favorable to give off that dumb impression, but not when you’re a ‘good guy’ in a slick kneeling pose cap bustin gangsta style (and in the opposite direction you’re looking at that).