
Here is the first from a series entitled: “Fungi Experience”

hmm…i dont really like it but please dont take any offense im sure in your and others eyes it is good but it is not the type of art and design i am into, i personally would prefer a lighter picture. but im sorry i just wanted to tell you and givebyou a reason why.


haha, s’all good man, thanks for being honest :slight_smile: You can’t please everyone when it comes to art.
btw, sickass footer man. Nice to see younger people listenin to tha man.

I like it. I think the colors and concept are interesting. The perspective adds a nice touch as well.


i like that style…dont see it much anymore…nice work

I dunno how I feel about it as a whole… but the colors and tracing lines really do remind me of a few long nights with the fungus :wink:


i like it, it sorta looks like colored lights faced on water. and at the same time, it sorta looks like a clock.
