Right, see here’s where I get stuck with flash, using shape tweening, I can do all sorts of different cool things with motion, masking and actionscript…
…but not shape
It’s not that I can’t get it to animate, cos you can see the sort of problem I have on my old site http://joe.coldridge.com It will move, and morph, but it breaks up into weird patches and lines,
a summary of my problem being that I ant morph from 1 shape to another without it splitting up, I need to somehow add something to tell it to keep certain bits the same etc.
i never really liked flash’s shape tweening, as great as it may have been in version 4. if you really want something to look the way you want, the best way is to just do it yourself.
you could also look into shape hints (i think that’s what they’re called).
Shape hint’s will help, but I don’t think the’ll solve the prob. I haven’t used hints yet, but I read about it in my book.
Usually with the shape tweens I do, if it’s a simple one color shape, then I can manipulate it on the new keyframe using the ‘Bezier’ handles - then everything morphs correctly, if you have borders around the shape, or holes in the middle, or different shapes in it, it’ll get wierd.
Check out flashkit and do a search on ‘shape tweens’ - there’s a bunch of examples…
i agree with freddy, its all about messin around with the bezier handles. i have it in my book as well about shape tweening, but its on flash 5. i’ll attached the file on the CD that comes with the book once i get home so that you can study it yourself