Should I switch article commenting back to disqus?

Hi, everyone!
For the past year-ish, this site moved away from Disqus commenting to use Discourse commenting. The advantage of this is that it allows the forum topics and the comment topics to be linked together. The major disadvantage is that users have to post on the forums to basically comment on an article on the site.

This disadvantage has pretty much reduced our commenting on articles down to zero from a fairly healthy number before making this transition. All signs basically point to going back to disqus for article commenting. The forums will be used for new topics unrelated to any particular article.

I think there is room for both casual article comments and less casual “I have a problem with X” topics that show up on the forums.



I was welcoming of this change originally (ditching disqus), but I think going back is the right choice.

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Done! In a few hours, all articles will have commenting enabled :smile:

Edit: Or in a few seconds!

No sooner had I turned on commenting on one of the pages, and we received a comment already! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t really have an opinion on the technical merits of either, but if evidence suggests that more comments come with Disqus, I’m happy to use it again.

There needs to be room for both the Disqus-style commenting and the longer free-form discussions via Discourse. I’m hoping secretly Disqus buy Discourse one day and this all becomes a moot point…or a huge mess given what happened with vBulletin after it was sold :stuck_out_tongue: