Just thoughts mind you. I don’t have an opinion yet on the subject… but, I offer the option to any who wish to sign the petitian.
Sent to me via email (The poster “upuaut” does not claim any agreance or diagreance with any of the following statements.)
Subject: Answers Now on Distortion of Evidence
Dear friend,
The President took the nation to war based on his assertion that Iraq posed an imminent threat to our country. Now the evidence that backed that assertion is falling apart.
If the Bush administration distorted intelligence or knowingly used false data to support the call to war, it would be an unprecedented deception. Even if weapons are now found, it’ll be difficult to justify pre-war language that indicated that the exact location of the weapons was known and that they were ready to deploy at a moment’s notice. With a crisis of credibility brewing abroad and the integrity of our President and our foreign policy on the line, we need answers now.
Please join me in asking Congress to establish an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate the distortion of evidence now, at: http://www.moveon.org/distortion/
A President may make no more important decision than
whether or not to take a country to war. If Bush and his officials deceived the American public to create support for the Iraq war, they need to be held accountable.
i would answer but you people might hate me if i spill my guts, but here i go anyways because i dont care and its my opinion:P
I think 9/11 was orchestrated by bush, in order to go into war and boost up his president status since no one really liked him, heck he didnt even win the election Al Gore did, so you see he makes this massacre, people of the US are p!st off and wanna know who dunnit, so along comes bush and goes to war with irak blaming them for 9/11, giving the people someone to release their hatred and take revenge making bush look as a person who will make justice out of a crime these poor people didnt commit.
There i said it. Now bring it on people. And yes im american, and i love the USA but cmon people lets be a little bit smarter and look beyond revenge, do you people know that they never found any plane pieces or a blackbox in the pentagon??? theres so many bogus things that went on that day that i honestly dont trust anything they say, we believe what we are told and this has to end, we want the truth.
eh… like I said… opinion isn’t important to me… but if you wanted to sign the petition, I offer the link.
I guess I shouldn’t have worded the title of the thread as a question.
Anyway… I’m of the same opinion Grim. Not so much an orchestration as, taking advantage of a situation, but close enough to the concept you posted. I had some thoughts on this a few days ago, but they became confused after some other thoughts got in the way… so I haven’t yet been able to reformulate.
still the main point is that the irakis had nothing to do with it, so tis all about making people believe what you want them to believe by manipulating the media among other things, in the end my opinion is it was an american (Bush) that killed american citizens in order to have the peoples approval im just disgusted of the things that happen in this world and we just sit here doing nothing about it
i honestly dont care who was blamed i just know that innocent people died, and innocent people were blamed, in the end its all about power ignorant men that are blinded by power bah
I think that the idea that 9/11 was orchestrated by Bush is the most ridiculous I’ve heard yet, no offence - honestly but it is. If he had had anything to do with it he wouldn’t have got so tongue tied afterwards and spouted so much rubbish. He would also more than likely have had a clearer idea of what he wanted to do about retaliating.
Retaliating - which is exactly what the terrorists wanted him to do, in a vain effort to spark off some religious war. He did it too, and not once but twice - incredible. The last time there was clearly, as this petition points out, no justification for it all.
It started out as ‘Saddam supports the terrorist’ and then when it became clear that Saddam and Osama Bin Laden were sworn enemies it was simply ‘he poses a threat’. All of the ‘inviolobility of nation states’ jargon that was the thought and backbone behind the last war’s ideology was thrown out of the window simply so Bush Jnr could fulfill is oedipal fantasies.
Never, in the field of human conflict has so much, been threatened to so many, by a man with so few braincells. This man is a man that was handed the presidency by his cousin Jeb, a man who wants (effectively) to destory the environment and screw all but the super rich. This is the man who said ‘More and more of our imports are coming from overseas’ (see more).
Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against America per se. In fact it’s strange. The democrats are pro everything good in this world (a sweeping generalisation maybe) and the republivcans are all bad. A straight good and evil contest - so how did the republicans win. I mean… if I said ‘who wants to go to war most, kill juvenile crimianls most, destroy the environment most, sell arms most, drill oil most’ would the answer to all these not be ‘The Republicans’ and their sick leader George W?
Anything people can do to remove him from power, this petition included, should be done for America’s, and the whole world’s sake.
Never, in the field of human conflict has so much, be threatened to so many, by a man with so few braincells.
The democrats are pro everything good in this world (a sweeping generalisation maybe) and the republivcans are all bad. A straight good and evil contest - so how did the republicans win. I mean… if I said ‘who wants to go to war most, kill juvenile crimianls most, destroy the environment most, sell arms most, drill oil most’ would the answer to all these not be ‘The Republicans’ and their sick leader George W?
No, not exactly. Everything good in the world? Like late term abortions and (according to the crazier democrats) th legalization of pot? I like the democrats more than republicans, but that generalization was too broad.
ok - My bad. I got a bit swept up in rhetoric perhaps. You take my point though I hope.
I should point out that the alternative to legalising pot is to continue sending people to jail for smoking it. In a society where an increasing number of people do smoke the drug, this has a very damaging effect upon the way the legal system is percieved.
Don’t you think a decent legal system should accurately mirror our intuitive moral beliefs? Smoking marajuana isn’t nearly as harmful to oneself or others as drinking alcohol or other activities, why should be people be imprisoned for doing it? Branding otherwise law abiding citizens for smoking weed makes them think less of the law and those who legislate and enforce it - which is not healthy. You want to be breeding a nation of people who think that the law is essentially a good yard stick by which to measure right and wrong. Sending people to jail for such harmless reasons simply breeds contempt, and makes them think that the law is an a[SIZE=1]55[/SIZE]. Which ultimately means they will be less likely to abide by it, a far more dangerous thing than a few bleary-eyed pot-heads.
ok - My bad. I got a bit swept up in rhetoric perhaps. You take my point though I hope.
I should point out that the alternative to legalising pot is to continue sending people to jail for smoking it. In a society where an increasing number of people do smoke the drug, this has a very damaging effect upon the way the legal system is percieved.
Don’t you think a decent legal system should accurately mirror our intuitive moral beliefs? Smoking marajuana isn’t nearly as harmful to oneself or others as drinking alcohol or other activities, why should be people be imprisoned for doing it? Branding otherwise law abiding citizens for smoking weed makes them think less of the law and those who legislate and enforce it - which is not healthy. You want to be breeding a nation of people who think that the law is essentially a good yard stick by which to measure right and wrong. Sending people to jail for such harmless reasons simply breeds contempt, and makes them think that the law is an a55. Which ultimately means they will be less likely to abide by it, a far more dangerous thing than a few bleary-eyed pot-heads.
Jailtime for smoking pot is overkill for an offense that isn’t harming anyone but yourself, I agree. That said, that doesn’t mean it should be legal. There should definately be mandatory rehab and a fine for people caught smoking pot. Call me crazy, but I also believe that alcohol and tobacco should not be legal.
Legalizing marijuana, however, would be a HUGE mistake!!! We would be doing our citizens no favor by letting them smoke pot and kill their brain cells. People also can do some pretty crazy **** when they are high. The government has a responsibility to protect its citizens. Letting people smoke pot, get drunk or take tobacco does not protect them in more ways than one.
MARIJUANA: People more likely to make dumb choices when they are high. In order to protect others the government has to outlaw this.
ALCOHOL: Dumb choices agoin as well as domestic abuse while being drunk is reason enough, IMO, to outlaw alcohol.
Those reasons combined with the healthcare and welfare costs that us nondrinkers/potheads/smokers have to put up with in order to care for the pothead without a job, the alcoholic with a failing liver and the smoker with lung cancer show we need to ban all harmful addictive substances.(except for medical use)
the healthcare and welfare costs that us nondrinkers/potheads/smokers have to put up with in order to care for the pothead without a job, the alcoholic with a failing liver and the smoker with lung cancer show
Why should decent people be punished for the associated actions of a small minority? I don’t think it right or sensible to judge whether the government should legislate regarding something on a worst possible scenario basis. If you were to fairly judge whether you prohibited everything like that then - mountain climbers, who might break their neck and take up valuable time and hospital resources, gymnastics, motorcycle riding even getting into a car would all be forbidden because they might be consumptive of the nations resources.
Far more important than all this is peoples freedom, to argue that government should stop people making choices, dumb or otherwise, is to advocate a removal of their freedom. Ok, if someone is going to do something bad to someone else then fair enough - that’s why we have the legal system that we do. But if they are acting in a way that only affects them - why should they not be allowed to do it?
Call me crazy, but I also believe that alcohol and tobacco should not be legal.
You’re crazy. In addition to what I’ve said above. If people didn’t have a means of letting off some steam from time to time the whole place would go BOOM.