The header’s too tall I think.
Sweet navigation! :thumb:
Really like the random numbers that stop and then load the image - that’s pretty awesome. Your numbers are off though - clicking 1 loads image0, clicking 5 loads image4 etc. I know it has to do with a for loop somewhere and the way you’ve numbered your images but just something that caught my eye.
I think the buttons are annoying. You should try a smoother “bounce”, that might help.
If this site is really trying to promo a new construction anchor of sorts, do you think the computer techy style is appropiate?? I dont think so at all. Think… construction, solid, security, buildings, etc. (instead of abstract)
[edit]dont get me wrong you have a nice idea there, I just get a suprised feel (ie design and product dont match) when I see the page and then read what it is about ;)[/edit]
Edit change for company privacy