Its a Level 3.
elements were obviously ripped :lol:
Yup, it’s a rip. The whole structure is the same, it’s even got 2004 on the right of the top row too. But man, that dragon logo is sexeh !
Yeah, they are too similar for it to be a coencidence
Off-topic: Voets, I like your new avatar & footer :thumb: Very… mystic =)
Hm… I’m not sure really… I’d say some of its a rip, but some of it is new as well…
Thanks ! =)
Nice Idoik.
Haha I like the Idoikman one. :lol: I’m gonna get that font now.
My vote is for rip. It is immediately noticeable when compared to the other site. The navigation style, font, ::: … that is a rip.
The font is called Hitman, you can download it here: Top |