Hey Guys,
Just added some new sections into my site and re-designed others, let me know what you think… feedback is most welcome.
Hey Guys,
Just added some new sections into my site and re-designed others, let me know what you think… feedback is most welcome.
Hello. I have to admire the dedication of your art. The lines, details, textures and concepts behind the entire portfolio it makes it unique and attractive. Congrats. Check mine at http://www.redxdesign.com
wow, your site is awsome. i really like the music, and those machine-like girls on the site are cool. the updates are nice, and i hope you stick around on these forums. and your footer/avator rocks. =)
Thank you guys for the wonderfull feedback much appreciated. AS for music some people don’t like it others find it wonderfull I think its nice and i’m happy with it. I’ll be sticking around this forums I kind like it not much hatered btw the ppl who frequents it.
lu31: I like your site the only problem I had was with the gradient buttons at the bottom for some reason, keep up the good work
Thanks again guys
I agree, the site is amazing. A lot of your photoshop work reminds me of shadowness, but with more color.
Shadowness is one of my favorite sites and this one is definitely a new favorite for me. =)
electrongeek thank you for the kind words much appreciated as for my style of robot women yes, they are same style of shadowness (meng) , floodgear (luke) and couple of others but keeping it different from each one, with my own “style” grungy tech but can be seen under same category.
I wish I had more time to make the site more interactive, but it will come as I go. Lookout for some cool new works to be released which are under construction at the moment mostly “flash” sites
Thanks again,
very nice, love the art. the frog is my favorite.
Your site is awesome.
I really love the grungy paper-y feel to it, it looks really really appealing.
Your tutorials are also very nice.
Great work man
Thank you guys for the warm feedback.
Converge ya the frog is cool when I get some more time I’ll model a 3d one and make him more interactive should look nice.
XXVIII: There will be more tutorials coming soon still working on a links section first.
Thank you.
I wouldn’t change a thing!! Definately a bookmark for me!! :crazy:
Welcome to my Bookmarks
I keep a list of bookmarks for great sites that I love, yours is one of them.
Not much more I can say, it’s a really nice piece of work. I love the little snippets of music as the page is building, also how cool is that background music.
I’m new to Flash do you mind if I ask how long the site took? You seem to have a awful lot going on in each page, with obects moving etc. Did you plan all of this out or sort of make it up as you went?
Great site, best of luck with it.
Thank you guys for the warm words. I did take some time don’t know how much exactly but its been a while , was working on it off and on while working on other clients projects.
Yes I do plan everything first on a piece of paper to know where I would like things to be. Then when my sketch is done I take it to photoshop and build the look of the site, when that portion is done I go to flash for the animations and putting stuff together. Sure I might change how the animations are or how things might look later on if I am not satisfied… heck I still change some things now always fixing things up till I am satisfied with it and what is the purpose of the site
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