Sizing my Flash with HTML

Does anyone know why when I publish my Flash movie and I have the Match Movie checked in the Publishing settings, my movie still is not cropped correctly in the browser window? This exact file seems to work fine when I bring it on to a different machine and then view it. Does it have anything to do with cookies that might be stored? It seems to always open with the last size the I drug it out…very annoying…


It could depend on the screen resolution.

The Match Movie option gives your movie the exact with and height of the movie as per defined in the Modify/Document area.

So if the browser is too small to show your movie, the parts that are too big get cropped off.

I’m not having a problem with any of my Flash movie getting cropped off the it is in fact showing too much border. I don’t want anything to show in the browser window besides the Flash movie itself. I thought that the Match Movie function would take care of this.


so load just the swf and not any html


Or change the width and the height to 100% (you can do that in the publish settings as well by selecting Percent for movie size and putting 100 in for the width and height).

Then you can remove the HTML margins…


But please note that this method scales your movie to fit the window, so different monitors may see distorted text and images.

The only other alternative to this would be to remove the margins (above) and launch the window as a pop up with exact dimensions.