So Dubbya, how about Saddam´s WoMD?

dittos maj.

Hey maj,
that’s capitolism… like selling cigerettes to people, like making fire arms available to the public, like drugs… this planet is full of all kinds of crap that kills and full of people willing to sell it. unfortunately that is what the U.S. is all about… I am Native American… I believe that the Wampanougs should have cut everybodies throat in the first place… to hell with thanksgiving. Maybe the planet would be just alittle different, then again mabe not, maybe we would just be flying a Viking flag in Washington now instead of old glory I don’t know… but if you do feel as strongly as you do about your countries involvement in the under handed, get off your duff and do something about it,
Which happens to be another gift given to you by Uncle Sam… :slight_smile:
don’t be upset at me I am just another joe

And what might i do about this? Run for President? Sorry, not old enough… Protest with a picket sign? waste of time. I do what i can, such as making politcal statements with my Flash Footer, circulating information about activism, and talking with people both on and offline. In my daily life I make constant attempts to shed light into the deep dark depths of the minds of the ignorant, and as you can see, its not always easy.

And for your information, its not my fault that the USA does this crap. Regardless of who i vote for, its beyond my control. I choose to ‘do something about it’ by openly voicing my opinions in online chat forums, as well as in real life.

Your assumptions about my supposed inactivity are unfounded, and i take offense to them. However, i forgive you, and hope that in the future you will take care to not make assumptions on that which you do not know about.

Adding a smily to an insult only furthers the damage.

You know maj,
Sometimes I forget that in writting people can’t tell weather or an inflection or an off comment is harsh or not, I get that from my wife a lot she says I need to work on that, and if I insulted you, pardon me. I like others get carried away at times, just means I’m human. It is a good thing that we have different points of view, that’s what makes us unique… your what 23…? and you want to change the world, this is a good thing. Keep up the fight…

The world cannot be changed, and I am aware of this, but people populate the world, and some of those people can change for the better, and if i can help them do this, than i feel that it is worthy of my time. Thanks for understanding.

Log-in from europe…

We hate, fear and dread you.
This is true.

As a left-wing, anti-war activist somewhere in erurope (Ok… It’s Norway. You coulda figured that out by looking at my location…) I have to say that our main fear in this world is the U.S. We know what you are capable of, and we have seen how little it takes for your presidents to declare war.

("****… Everybody’s focusing on my illegitimate blowjob… Better fire of 14 Tomahawks…" Or… “Daddy had a war in the middle east! I want one as well… Baaaah!!!”)

The colloquialism in my gang of peers is that the best thing for the world would be if the U.S.A. went “Atlantis”…

And we are one of your closest allies!

(Not most powerful, but closest…)

I don’t hate american people. It’s impossible for me. I have close american friends. But I do have a lot of understanding for the people who burn the american flag in protest. I do understand why people here, in this wealthy country are afraid of the U.S.A., I do understand why people in my country are driven to hate people in your country, because of the image you are projecting, and I am myself… just a little bit frightened…


thank you for your opinion. The sad fact is that your opinion is not uncommon at all. And i fear that it will only get worse…

Although i had nothing to do with the choices made, I’m sorry for what my government is doing. I hate it just as much as you do, if not more, because this crap is being done in my name. :frowning:

Hey LilleMartin…,
Oslo is a great town… I was there in 1980 in October you were 8 months old
I was in the Marine Corps then. Norway had just hosted a Nato Operation. I got killed by a Norweagan Soldier… it happens… sad to say I killed a few myself. (wargames)…I just remember the port area being covered in Marine Corps green… it was a nice town. My friends and I met this really cool gentalmen from your town. he let us fire off a few rounds with his gun in his backyard… a friend of mine let him fire the M16 full auto he loved it… we had coffee and split…nice man.
We visited Trumpso and Hammerfest, Rustic places… nice towns, but cold in October sorry you are abit scared of the US… the actual citizenry don’t reflect the wants and needs of the top 1 percent…

Iraq (Saddam) has used biological weapons on people before…case closed.
there’s no need to find a stock pile…
he used them…he has them… and can make more as needed…or should we put him back in power so he can continue his mass grave collection…

gp: Remind me-who was his ally when he did just that? WE WERE!!!

Here’s some good reading for you:

Some more food for thought:

I have not personally seen documents that indicate that the Reagan administration supplied Iraq with chemical weapons. However, the documents we recently posted on the Internet demonstrate that the administration had U.S. intelligence reports indicating that Iraq was using chemical weapons, both against Iran and against Iraqi Kurdish insurgents, in the early 1980s, at the same time that it decided to support Iraq in the war. So U.S. awareness of Iraq’s chemical warfare did not deter it from initiating the policy of providing intelligence and military assistance to Iraq. There were shipments of chemical weapons precursors from several U.S. companies to Iraq during the 1980s, but the U.S. government would deny that it was aware that these exports were intended to be used in the production of chemical weapons.

sushis in a prior note…I wrote…
I am fully aware of whom gave whom… why whom gave who…and who will give whomever the same if it serves who’s purpose…
As a U.S. citizen you have a right to purchase a hand gun… so buy one
the constitution says…in more words than one… ‘it is every citizens right to change the government if he feels the government isn’t representing him…by force if nessasary’… so take your new gun…go to Washington… and change the government.

*Originally posted by sushis *
**gp: Remind me-who was his ally when he did just that? WE WERE!!!

Here’s some good reading for you:
Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein - Press Release **

so what are you saying that we should have left him in power?

gpdesigner: Heheh… I was born in “Trumpso” which I take it is Tromsø. :slight_smile:


Sorry about the mispelling… years of pot has dulled the brain… :slight_smile:
Tromso, I believe thier motto is “The worlds most Northern Town”.
that must be cool to have a motto like that.

*Originally posted by gpdesigner *
**sushis in a prior note…I wrote…
I am fully aware of whom gave whom… why whom gave who…and who will give whomever the same if it serves who’s purpose…
As a U.S. citizen you have a right to purchase a hand gun… so buy one
the constitution says…in more words than one… ‘it is every citizens right to change the government if he feels the government isn’t representing him…by force if nessasary’… so take your new gun…go to Washington… and change the government. **

too many whoms in that paragraph. and as far as the guns go, yes, violence will solve everything. good thinking there.

whom… another country heard from

Pinx I have a Niece your age…shouldn’t you be doing homework or something

don’t attack me…I am just defending myself

The US provides numerous other countries inlcuding Iraq with military technology, medical technology, etc. We do it out of a hope that this technology could be used to defend themselves or against other mutual US threats such as the USSR.

When countries decide to use our technology against their own people, and then they are not able to account for the whereabouts of a good portion of this technology - the US has to intervene. If Taiwan did something similar to Iraq, there is a good chance we would be there as well right now :asian:

EDIT: Ai, gp - I think pinx is a grad student. Personal attacks don’t really help much…

Kirupa :rambo:

kirupa, i’m senior undergraduate, only a semester left. i’ll be a grad student spring 2004.

gp: i’m going to ignore your dumb remarks, but really, if you think guns will help everything, you’re sadly mistaken.