So Dubbya, how about Saddam´s WoMD?

like I said I was just defending myself… against a coment I believe it was
“too many whoms in that paragraph. and as far as the guns go, yes, violence will solve everything. good thinking there.”

And what does her being a grad student have to do with anything? My Niece is a grad student as well.
And you are just repeating what I said… a little more diplomaticly, but the same concept… The U.S. will do what the U.S. has to do in order for people to enjoy all the everyday freedoms that they take for granted. smoking pot, burning flags, running down thier country… you know all the cool stuff.
just defending /meself

well don’t use “whom” if you don’t know how. that’s all i’m saying. end of story.

besides the original comments weren’t directed at her in the first place they were in my defense agaisnt another…she just jumped right in

This a forum not a personal message, as far as i know anybody can choose to respond to whoever’s post they want.

wow, some defense. i didn’t know it was illegal to add my comments. i really did think that this was an open forum, but i guess you dont’ think that’s the case.

no it is not illegal to add your comment, but if you dish it out…you have to take it

and so do you. which you’re not taking that well, if you haven’t noticed.

I’m fine… just defending myself
or am I defending myself too sternly?

hey I am not a mean person I like the boards and I have a few civil conversations going under other topics, but when I get bashed…I bash back and so does everyoneone else…why am I so different

*Originally posted by gpdesigner *
**Pinx I have a Niece your age…shouldn’t you be doing homework or something **

besides the original comments weren’t directed at her in the first place they were in my defense agaisnt another…she just jumped right in

don’t attack me…I am just defending myself


*Originally posted by gpdesigner *
**hey I am not a mean person I like the boards and I have a few civil conversations going under other topics, but when I get bashed…I bash back and so does everyoneone else…why am I so different **

look i really don’t care. so end of story.

what that quote of me has anything to do with this???

low blow gp… :bad:


Because everybody loves to throw your south american arse into the mix :slight_smile:

guigo… you don’t want me to use it…it’s gone sorry…
my appologies to you… just trying to show everyone can use quotes

let me reiterate my point earlier from an earlier thread…

gp: people like you=ewwwwwwwww

do you want to keep pushing it?

you know what… you can have the last word…

<–right click and choose ‘show picture’

Majeye runs for cover…

fester: lol :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

gp: there is no problem in using quotes from me gp, but it has to be relevant to the subject. :wink:
just trowing a quote like that doesn´t affect me, but it reflects badly upon you my friend.

no harm done (to me) :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by gpdesigner *
**you know what… you can have the last word… **

Ummm…but you just had the last word


We should change the name of the ordered thread to “battle”
