Some real dumb*****es

Oh I hope you’re not thinking I’m saying the thign with the stun guns was right!! I’m just talking about where you feel sorry for them for being homeless.

  • Soul :s:

So Saddam Hussein’s life is as sacred as Mother Theresa’s was?
I think not.

I would just like to add that they are stupid for leaving all the evidence behind.

To be honest, I wouldn’t be suprised if alchohal was involved in this.

*Originally posted by Soul *
**Oh I hope you’re not thinking I’m saying the thign with the stun guns was right!! I’m just talking about where you feel sorry for them for being homeless.

  • Soul :s: **

I don’t feel sorry for them, I just respect the fact that they are alive.

and I don’t feel any one life is more valuable than others. All life is sacred.

JMO tho.


I’m sure you could choose between someone you love and Saddam

  • Soul :s:

I think the best punishment is for the homeless guy(s) to use the stun gun on the kids.

Oooo whats counting down? :wink:

release of a new NEW website? one that has more MORE perhaps?

hmmm, well it takes the time from the users clock, so it’ll hit 0 at different times for different people.

*Originally posted by Soul *
**I’m sure you could choose between someone you love and Saddam

  • Soul :s: **

my point being, is that we shouldn’t have to choose that someone dies…

that is all.


And my point being that not everyone is equal :slight_smile:

as I said, there we differ.


:bad: But if you had to choose you could! So obviously those two people aren’t equal :bad:

no, I honestly could not choose one life over another.

Sorry, I just know myself, and I couldn’t choose.


Fair enough :slight_smile:

Rev could never be a court judge…


*Originally posted by Coppertop *
**Rev could never be a court judge…


for many, many reasons…



Good, Im glad you saw the humor in that.


lol @ everyone being careful around the mods

believe it or not, I do not have a quick temper.

However, I don’t suffer fools well…
