Hello guys/gals. Sorry for the delayed return. I am glad we have this area available now. Awesome! I will try to remain active this time and participate regularly. Lost was nice enough to fill me in on the details of Polls and such.
Yep yep, every Thursday Ren puts up a sticky thread in this section to vote for SOTW. The poll is up until Sunday (or sometimes Monday) and in that time we can view all the sites and vote on them. And if time permits hopefully write a critique.
This section is also used to complain about other members, discuss new tutorials, discuss changes to the site and/or forum, and some people have just vented their frustrations in here to.
It is a lovely section :beam:
Even though I said it a billion times to you already… Welcome Back
My girlfriend has school on valentines (she goes to college until around 6) then she has to go to bed early so she can get up early on Saturday for a day of work!!!
And on top of that we are getting this major winter storm that is supposed to last all weekend… from Friday to Sunday. So, the chances of me seeing my girlfriend this Valentines are slim
:*( I hate living sem-far from her (3 miles) and not having a car.
A load of crap. Why? Well simple, why do you have one day out of the year dedicated to showing the person you are with you love them? Do you not have annivesaries and other special occasions for that? And ultimately… if you were with that special someone in the first place… doesn’t that show you care about them???
We just use it as ANOTHER excuse to do something for each other. I completely agree with you Lost. If you don’t do it the rest of the year round, one day aint gonna help your relationship.
and that whole female thing of being sad because you’re not romanticaly involved with someone, just because this imaginary day rolls around… jeez… I laugh sometimes… the world is a funny place, and things like Valentines day prove that to me.
I remember in my grade schools the teachers MADE us spend time filling out vday cards and giving one to everybody in the class so no one felt left out. That’s pretty sick that Halmark can actually have enough power to influence the public education system. It’s sick.
ah well. I’ll leave those rants to Phil… he’s got all that good triva data that he can bring up.
I love Valentines Day, I’m still a teen so a rose, dinner at her favorite restruant (how the hell u spell that?), and then I have no clue after that. Anyone have any suggestion, I’m sure my idea of a great night is probably not exactly something my date will think is very romantic. I was going to take her on one of those Italian boat rides with the singer at the Haite Hotel Resort, but now it’s going to rain (grrrrr). So I guess I’ll have to think of some random and spontaneous ideas for something to do. Rain sucks!
Guess what…I’m moving at the end of March, but I’ll still be in Arizona (5 miles south) but we have a bigger house so I’ll have to take some pictures of the move and my 18th birthday in April!
Well I don’t want to steal another thread from anyone!
Montoya we all :love: you!
(Kirupa what ever happened to putting my smiley in the list winkwink (the one in my footer))