Speed Model: Tooth brush

Hi all. I just finished this model for a “speed modeling contest”. I did this one in 20 min. I wanted something original, so I made the “SonicHair” Tell me what you think!

Thanks in advance,

haha, great idea AND execution

that’s pretty cool.

Is it jsut me or does the reflection seem a bit off though. My guess is that the tooth brush is meant to be on the floor of some shiny surface but it looks more like it’s floating…

bigger texture on the eyes maybe, it’s all blurry right now… And maybe you should have a more glossy shader for them. And the tail looks like it’s been photoshopped…

Ethan - I think it’s because the “legs” are holding it up off the surface so the reflection is a little lower than the actual toothbrush’s handle. But I could be wrong, 'cause… why would a toothbrush have legs? Then again, why would a toothbrush have hair? :lol: I can just imagine myself thinking about this for hours while trying to fall asleep tonight.

That’s great. What application did you use?

Either way the hair is AMAZING :).

That would make sense… the legs bit.


The brush is touching the ground, it is the legs I guess :slight_smile:

I used Maya for the whole thing.

mlk- Yah I should have made the eyes glossyer. Good Idea

wow, that hair is impressive! :drool:

Alright! Finally someone who uses Maya. 3DNirvana - Do you have AIM? I’d like to ask you just some simple questions on lights and things if you could =).

I always wanted to learn what type of lights to use and how to render and how to render as a final file (ie .mov, .jpg, etc).


Thats a pretty frightening toothbrush… :wink: Great work man.

Thanks Everyone! :slight_smile:

The Reefster- I dont use aim anymore, but I would be happy to answer some questions through PM, or better yet, my e-mail at info@3dnirvana.com

Sent ;).