Spiderman 3: my review

just got back from spiderman 3.


I don’t know what everyone is complaining about. The movie was good. I’m definitely a spidey fan, so that might have ‘skewed’ my opinion.

the good:

venom! venom, venom, venom. Venom was really my only doubt, and man was I impressed. topher grace does an excellent job of portraying eddie brock, a character who is consumed with hatred and contempt towards peter parker for humiliating him. This concept stays true to the comics and is done very nicely in the movie. The visual of venom is just as good as topher’s characterization, excellent, the animation was great and seamless, the only thing I thought that could have been done better with venom was venom’s voice, i expected it to be more monsterous like in the cartoon, but it wasn’t.

Spidey was done well again, although I could see some of the parts that were animation, but it didn’t hinder my experience too much. I really liked the subtle way they turned peter darker, his hair although still brown looked darker, his eyes were deeper and darker, his hair was ever so slightly combed different and his clothing got darker. The scene were Parker is fighting harry osborne in his house and says those things to harry before he returns the goblin bomb is exactly how he should be when consumed by the symbiote. The symbiote feeds on negative, so when the character has jealousy, hatred, or vengeance on their mind the symbiote feeds on that. the symbiote animation itself was very well done, looked slimey but sticky and had a nice shine to it, made it look like something not of this world, plus i liked the way they made it feel like it was alive and searching for a host. I also liked their integration of the sandman, i’d have to say that the sandman was the most flawlessly transitioned character, whoever the dude was that played him he convinced me 100%. The sandman’s animations were very well done too.

the bad:

dancing…why the dancing? parker dances at the club that mj works at to make her jealous…but why? that’s completely out of character even with the symbiote feeding his inabitions, parker does not dance, he’s still shy, still awkward, still a nerd, plus the dancing scene does nothing to further the storyline, the last part of that scene where he’s dancing with gwen and then dips her and looks at mj would have been enough to get the point across that he’s trying to make her jealous, and it would have strengthen the idea that the symbiote feeds on your inabitions…the dancing was a joke. The other things I didn’t like were the multiple storylines…i discussed this with my friends after the movie and we all kind of agreed that one needed the other, but as a whole made the movie convoluted. harry has to be in there because he’s the antagonist who provides the main conflict between peter and mj. sandman has to be in there because he furthers the storyline of who killed uncle ben and reminds the audience why spidey is doing what he’s doing, venom has to be in there to provide the overall conflict and add the twists in the movie, if venom’s not in it then it’s just spidey saving the day for 2 hours, there’s nothing new from the other 2 movies. if the sandman isn’t in there then venom becomes the main bad guy and that puts more emphasis on how venom is there to begin with, people will start to wonder how and why the symbiote is there…i know i did, oh it just fell out of the sky…astronaughts didn’t bring it back from the moon like in the cartoon, and it wasn’t found on an alternate planet like in the comics, just fell out of the sky.

all in all the action was good, the characterization was very well done and over-looked in my opinion, the effects were great, and all the villians were well done. The story was convoluted having too many mini plots and no real overall plot, or that’s how it seemed since there were so many sub plots. and the dancing…my god the dancing ruined that whole movie…oh and toby can’t cry…he really sucks at crying…but i enjoyed most of the movie, take out the dancing and make it a deleted scene on the dvd, take out sandman and put him at the end as a hint for the next movie, and explain venom better and this one would have easily been the best yet.

next up: fantastic four and transformers