I don’t understand why people submit for SOTW when they clearly didn’t bother to make the changes that was suggested when they posted in Site Check. I already critiqued on this site in Site Check and not even one change was made. I’ll pass, next please!!
I don’t know what happened, but my screen remained white for 30 seconds, and then the site directly appeared, without a preloader. Might be a problem, I don’t know. Other than that, the site is simple, well done, but the design needs more work (the best example I can think of is Billz, who was SOTW a few months ago).
Guiseppe Simone Bertolucci
Thus far, this site is one of the better ones I’ve seen this week. Using typography for the navigation is an interesting idea. Though the site is nicely put together, overall I thought it was boring even with all those images. Maybe using a better transition method will help.
Nice and simple, I like the idea of the menu. But unfortunately the pictures are not really put forward. They’re moving most of the time, and I couldn’t find a way to look at them one by one.
The biggest problem with this site is text consistency. The text at the bottom is microscopic which only ants will be able to read. Another problem is with the design and how things are put together. It’s not professional looking, it looks too “childish.” I mean I like cars, but this is just tacky.
I remember this site from a long time ago. I can’t remember if anything changed, but it doesn’t really look like it did. I don’t like the pruple / black combination so much, and the pipes and all. Not my cup of tea. But the transitions are good, with that boucing frame thing (that reminds me a bit of Crucial Limit, as well as the text scroller).
// Giuseppe Simone Bertolucci
// Thus far, this site is one of the better ones I’ve seen this week.
It Was my first SOTW contest and I really appreciate your impressions.
I forgot to tell that the photographer wanted his pics moving around without giving the option to the user to STOP by one pic. Tha’z why i didnt put any pause button.
I am a photographer too and i know iz not really nice to do not have the time to look at one pic.
The concept of this site is to show pictures in a nice way, giving the impression of a professional photographer. This can be boring expecially if u ar waiting for stunning and sometimes useless animation.
Thanks again Kirupa.
Mr. Mass Interactive
Haha this site is pretty funny, I like the alien concept. If you’re going to do an animation using 3D then make it flawless like WhosWe for example, the way it was animated here looks like stick figures with stiff movement which makes it look unprofessional. And speaking of WhosWe, the center piece of the Alien on the enter screen looks like the WhosWe ball. Honestly, the alien conept is nice, but I liked the first version of this site more.
Nice graphics. But I was confused from the beginning. I was stumped by the egg (once again I’m easily stumped ), by the first menu (6 buttons that lead to…?), then in Mad Skills, the buttons make the alien move, but lead nowhere…).
Thymes Two
This site is kinda cool, nice use of colors and images. The concept is neat as well, but it was a bit hard to use. What annoyed me the most was how the cards kept on overlapping when you rollover the buttons on top. I know that’s part of how the nav works, but it bugged me. Maybe if it was set to on(release) instead of on(rollover) then it would be less annoying.
The first impression was great: The intro is cool, and the usability sounds fun. But I went to see the books, clicked one of the buttons at the top, reduced the window that appeared and I couldn’t get anything else to appear after that. Maybe it’s just me being silly, but I found this very disconcerting.
DS Family
For a picture gallery, it’s cool, but for a website, it’s horrible. The layout is huge and the graphics are poor. For a photo gallery, it would be nice to have a simple layout and keep the focus on the pictures instead of having this extreme layout which is a distraction.
The design needs work. Everything is too dark, needs more details.
Connect Games
I remember this site and I can see the designer took the time to fix the problems suggested last time. Overall the layout is clean, effects are smooth and text is clear.
Great usability, awesome transitions, I like this one very much.
Another site that was posted in site check and once again the suggestions made were ignored. No critique for this one because it will be ignored, have a nice day.
Nice menu, à la Lenny Kravitz. Other than that, nice site, well done.
FYI: The above comments were made by several moderators =)