[]Clean site, but the fps is definitely too low, the font is blurred, and the portfolio is not very attractive (the animation “jumps”, there are problems with the transitions).
[]Pretty simple corporate style layout with a twist. What killed it for me was the blurry text…Nice try though…
[]Very basic site compared to some of the competition; It’s definately outclassed by at least one other site I have this far viewed; The overall site is nice and basic and functional; I would suggest he lose the red background with white print; Almost the first they one learns in design school is to stay away from such hard on the eyes print; (red background, or red print on any background) Some of the text was not continuous, some was bolder than what followed below, and the text itself seemed like it was broken apart, kind of hard to read.
[]Nice, basic, works… Not extremely imaginative however, and not very impressive. It hits all the nails, just none of them very hard.
[]Interesting choice of colors, though you make it work. All in all, very nice. Web sites don’t have to be enormous monsters of Flash design mastery… no, they need to serve their purpose well. I think this site does. The effects are enough to entice, but not enough to detract user interest. Still. . . not sure about that bright red section. A little extreme for me.
[]A very nice looking choice of colours - bright enough to stand out, but doesn’t overpower you. I agree with other comments on the fonts though. Some are nice and clear, but against the white the text is blurred. I like the transitions between pages though, and the backgrounds on each.
[*]That text is too blurry. I see you use a pixel font, but it is still blurry. Pixel fonts are meant to be clear, so you need to work out the positioning of your text to make it clear because right now it is blurry all over making it hard to read. The site is easy to navigate and all, but that text kills my eyes.
[]I think we have a winner here. Smooth navigation, great colors, and the design is interesting (I love the Links page, the rest is not as good unfortunately). I appreciate the fact that the artwork appears inside the site and not in a pop-up Great site.
[]Pretty slick use of flash, nice transitions, but as for originality, it’s not there. Two words describes the design of this site, “trend wh0re.” I’m not saying it’s nicely put together, I’m just saying this style is pretty common and I’ve seen dozons of similar ones with the same use of graphics and typography. Kirupa’s SOTW is about coming up with your own ideas and design styles, not duplicating other styles.
[]I like and can see he has good design skills which are put to naught for some of the weaknesses of the website; Scrolling text against pictures is a BAD idea. And everything there, while not hard on the eyes, causes one to squint and still not be able to read things well; I would also suggest they stick with one font in this type of site; And some print was simply not legible or readable; Thats NOT a good thing. On a positive note, if these things were fixxed it would make for a great little site; This site is a great anti-example of what I didn’t like about the above sites, that they move too slow with their tweens or scripting and the transitions are not impressive nor quick; Here is an example of nice transitions with other fatal flaws.
[]The transitions were different for each section, therefore the site lost its continuity for me. I think, judging by your art & design, that you could spice this up, make it more uniform transition-wise.
[]I like. I have no advice for you. Keep doing what you’re doing. Learn more you’re teaching me. J
[]I’ve never been a fan of pink, but I liked this funky urban look.Good photography and layout, I like it a lot. My main critcism would be that the menu bar along the top is difficult to read until you rollover a section. Cream and white isn’t that much of a contrast. And occasionally you can’t see the next level menus against the photography, they don’t stand out enough.
[*]Nice splash, and I was thinking it would be an incredible site when it was animating in, but there are a few flaws. That text is an incredible pain to read on those backgrounds. It took me a while to figure out what to do in the Portfolio section until I read the text directing to click the links that are well integrated (aka hidden) in the layout. After clicking those links I was brought to a mystery meat navigation where I had to rollover the link to find out what I was about to click. I am not a big fan of mystery meat. A lot of your text was blurry even though it looks much like a pixel font, which is supposed to be clear. Overall the transitions and layout of your site I thought were great, but there were some functionality issues that bugged me.
[]Same as last week, I like it a lot, except for the colours.
[]I already critiqued this site last week…
[]I didn’t like this site for several reasons; It is too dark and hard to read; I say this to everyone, listen up…Websites are to GET information, not to hide it or obscure it with hard to read backgrounds or text or combinitions of both. I read through very little stuff on this site because he made it a challenge to me; Have to squint, have to strain and move closer to the monitor; I hope Jontam doesn’t take this personal, as there are just too many sites this week with basic fatal flaws in them; Not be able to read text is one such fatal flaw that will kill the site faster than anything; Very basic, a nice overall ‘format’ but everything else is wrong; Redeeming quality was the pictures and their transitions, that was nice, quick and speedy, no time to yawn; But not sotw material.
[]Way too busy. Too much information at once.
[]Another black site. AND another one that works well. Again, Keep doing what you’re doing.
[]Initial impressions are good. Dark and moody, but good. I very much like the design of the opening page. Inside reminds me kind of 2A, with the various ‘modules’ loading, but not too much. I love the black and red colour scheme. I know it’s dark, but it works for me. A stop option on the music is good, and I really liked the little game in the bottom right corner. I spent way too long playing that.
[*]Took me a while to find the enter button. The layout is very busy and the color scheme makes it look even more busy. Everything blends in together making the viewers eyes wander around even when trying to focus. You should also work on your grammer. All lowercase text is part of what makes it look so busy. There is no break in the flow of the text so it makes it look like one long run on sentence.