Suggested Rules for Ordered

I’ve been watching a number of threads in this forum spiral into personal attacks and not debates. I’ve also seen that about 60% of the posts are nothing more than personal opnion that runs contradictory to known facts.

I think that as a general rule for this forum whenever someone makes a post on personal opinion they offer evidence to support their opinion, that would eliminate a lot of the “your opnion is stupid” type comments that have been popping up lately. And furthermore you can’t have a debate based on soley on personal opinion because then no one learns, and exchanging ideas and learning is the entire point of this forum.

I think we all need to try to stay on topic a little bit more on these threads. Yeah conversation will vary, but all to often we drift entirely off topic. If you have a new topic just post a new thread.

Anyone have thoughts on this?

Sounds good :wink: I can merge this with the above Rules thread if you want.

I think it needs its own thread for a little bit, I get the feeling not to many people actually read the rules thread :sure: But thanks for the support Kirupa!

I think rules are fine. If the Kirupa gods want to set rules, I will follow them. If they don’t that is fine too. I think the Ordered forum runs just fine like it is, until people start attacking others personally. If you don’t like someones opinion, that is fine, but don’t belittle them for it. If you think they should present more facts to back up their opinion then ask for it. If you have facts to disprove their side then show them. I think it all goes bad when someone comes into a thread halfcocked and calling names because they hear something they don’t agree with.
You don’t have to agree with someone to be respectful to them.

As long as we all treat each other the same way we would like to be treated, I think all will be fine. These rules are just in place, I think, to ensure that those who aren’t being constructive can find out why and where they are getting off the track :sailor: