Super Size Me

I don’t know if this movie is playing near you, but if it is I suggest going to see it. I just saw it today, and it was a very entertaining 96 minutes. Anyone else seen this movie?

I just saw Supersize Me, and I found it entertaining, and very informative. EVERY person should see it, especially Americans. It’s totally worth 5 dollars, I think, and that’s a tough recommendation to achieve.
I found it interesting that the doctors he spoke to said you should eat fast food, at MOST once a month, and in best situations never. I don’t think I had ever heard someone say, I mean literally say, never eat fast food. It seems our country sort of has an attitude of, ‘Well, eh, what are you gonna do. It’s bad, but oh well, we all die anyway.’ I’m hoping to not eat fast food anymore. There is no reason for it; it’s a drain on money and health. Maybe I’ll still go to Subway, or get a deli sandwhich, but jack in the crack and taco bell? Nope. Can’t say I’m too upset.

Definitely see this when it’s released on tues. the 21st.

First of all, I’m not too sure about that moderation thing. And this guy has a point: American people suffer from obesity, more than any other country in the world. American people eat fast food => fast food is bad for your health, just as smoking or drinking is bad for your health. That’s all he’s trying to say, I think.


This was jsut terible… Sure Warning you could get fat of McDonalds. But I never eat at McDonalds to exspensive… yes… that’s how poor I am.

Well, it just goes to show how stupid americans are. Being an american, I know how stupid we are. Eat here! it’s Cheap! Go rot in hell you white-collar bastard. I’d much rather spend $10 on deli meats and be able to eat for 5 days than spend $10 on a single meal that’ll end up making me gain about 5 pounds of butt-fat.

I’ve only read about this movie, but it seems like something I’d like to see. Supersize Me is pointing out flaws, much like novels did way back in <insert correct date here>. Books like “The Jungle” actually helped, so hopefully Supersize Me will do the same.

Now, “Resident Evil:Apocalypse” made me realize the error of my ways. Now I don’t buy any products from evil companies that have a little side-business of Genetic Research and viral weaponry. Take that Pfizer!

this is all shens… NOBODY eats JUST mcdonalds (except in this film), thats bloody stupid (like chugging melted butter)… You could still have a balanced diet INCLUDING mcdonalds, and combined with exercise, could be a lot healthier than you think… Its not the food, its the people that eat the food all the time and don’t balance it out…

Yeah - not exercising or sitting behind a comp all day is the other part of being morbidly obese :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe not JUST mcdonalds, but I believe there are plenty of people out there who eat out almost every meal, which gets expensive, driving them to eat more fast food than healthy. Lots of people out there don’t know how, or don’t want to shop, cook, clean etc. Do you own your own house/fridge? Are you the one responsible for keeping it clean and tossing out the old nasties? Are you responsible for shopping and cooking for a family and trying to keep them healthy? When it comes down to it it’s a LOT easier to just go out and grab something when you are hungry. Even good decent restaurants aren’t necessarily healthy. I worked at a gourment vegetarian restaurant for years and there was more cream, butter, salt, and sugar used there than anywhere else I’ve ever been.

People don’t always make wise choices. But sure, you could eat fast food once in awhile and still maintain a healthy lifestyle. But that’s not who this movie is aimed at.


Just checked out website and movie trailer and have got to go and see this !!!

I saw it. It was a very interesting movie.

However, I thought they could shave 15-20 minutes out of it somewhere…I started getting a little antsy towards the end.


I agree, this is absolutely right. I obviously dont believe, nor does the creator of the film believe, that anyone eats McDonalds three times a day for a month. But I know I have many times eaten fast food possibly three time a week, maybe little things, but it adds up. And yeah I don’t like McDonalds at all, but that’s irrelavent.

I think it’s the ‘once in a while’ that varies so much for different people, and should be not so close together. It was interesting because my Pols2 teacher recently said that when he was a kid, he could remember the three times his family ate out. Yes the three times; the filmaker made a similar statement (and I wondered if my Pols teacher stolen it from him…) but at any rate, as Americans we eat out ALL the time; it’s no longer a luxary, it’s a necessity.