Targets - a dummies question


I’m making a flash site for a furniture company and I would like to have a pop-up window (movie clip) for each product, for the customer to be able to view the product in a larger format.

My problem is that the target mc I’m loading the ‘pop-up’ mc into is smaller than the ‘pop-up’ mc - I tried to load it into _root, but then everything else disapears. How do I load it into a bigger target without loosing the background. I don’t know how to load into levels (is this what I should do?) - I hope I’m making my self clear.

I would be really greatful if someone could help me or maybe come up with an idea for another solution. I tried making a normal pop-up window (java script), but it doesn’t work in IE for some odd reason.


Well, if no one can help me with my pop-up window questions, I would just love to know if I’m the only one having problems with this - and maybe just a link or a few words on how you people handle pop-up windows.


so you want a pop-up or do you want to load an external movieclip??

Thanks for reaction!

First I wanted a normal pop up window - the chromeless centered kind - I tried different tutorials but it doesn’t work in IE on my pc (and it’s not due to pop-up blockers or internet options - I went through all that). Oddly enough it works in Firefox. But well, I don’t dare make something that doesnt even work in my own browser, so I decided to do the flash “pop-up” window (yes, mc loaded externally) and this is where I am now. I need to load a mc that looks like a pop-up window and doesn’t make everything else disapear when it loads “on top” of the main content. The problem is that the button that launches the pop-up is inside a target that is to small for the pop-up window, but if I load into the sites _root everything else disapears. Can I load into a level on top of everything? And if, how?

Thanks again!

avoid root try to load it into _parent. The content in the root or basis file will not dissapear

Thanks! I’ll try it out!

Ok finally :beam: - I found out that loading into levels works better (it just loads on top of it all) - now it’s just: how do I position the loaded movie clip? - I would like to center it.

you could set it in the movie you load

this._x = 100;
this._y = 100;

if you load it in a container just position the container