Tear gassed

geroldo (spelling?) rivera, the former talk show host got tear gassed while reporting from the battle grounds, hahahah!

it must suck to get tear gassed. I bet it hurt like a mutha fu*ka

but its funny because he’s such a loser

a smart loser. That guy make bank.

yeah he does. but its still funny as hell

Being a drunk idiot a few years a go I sprayed myself in the face with 5.5 mace. (the strongest)

I thought I was going to die…

I wrapped a wet towel around my face for about 2 hours then puked for the next three.

I am all set with being tear gassed

you are one idiot! my dad is friends with a bunch of cops and they were sprayed at the academy and said the same thing

At east i know not to mess with anyone who pulls out a can ready to spray.

hell yeah

ouch! 5.5 mace? jesus, that pain would be excrutiating

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**Being a drunk idiot a few years a go I sprayed myself in the face with 5.5 mace. (the strongest)

I thought I was going to die…

I wrapped a wet towel around my face for about 2 hours then puked for the next three.

I am all set with being tear gassed **

when he is asking for tear gas it sounds like 5.5 was pretty bad.

and Hojo was his nam-o!

lol sorry i just couldnt resist!

*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
and Hojo was his nam-o!

lol sorry i just couldnt resist! **

few people can resist…i’ve had my name used in much worse statements :slight_smile: