The new WRAF show is up

not many people can say they like there own voice…

hats off to you lavakid

haha, I hate my voice. I’m putting up soul’s show in a minute

AAAH! I forgot to put soul’s show up! No worries, it will be up by tomorrow… I’m going to head back early from work just to do that…

Hehe… Just you make sure that you do. :slight_smile: Otherwise I’ll have to give you a gentle reminder… :stuck_out_tongue:

‘gentle’ :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

all it takes is a carlessly missplaced ‘i’ and you have an xrated comment…


Haha, dirty mind Star! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

Nope, I don’t get that… Which is strange, because normally my mind is in the gutter.

try to place the ‘i’ into the word gentle… then you’ll see what i mean… :cyclops:


lol Kit! Don’t do it! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

Ahhhh, too late. I got it now. I was trying to put the i in ‘reminder’. This would be where I made my first mistake… :slight_smile:

lol remiinder :stuck_out_tongue:

im glad you understand now… :blush:


Actually I was thinking more of ‘reminider’, but never mind eh? :slight_smile:

Look, it’s not my fault, I’ve been in meetings all day and they’ve sent me to sleep. Not even a big bag of Mini Eggs is doing a good job of waking me up. :slight_smile:

mmmmm… mini eggs :love:

oh man, I’m serioulsy 8 or 9 hours behind on EVERYTHING…

Stop posting on Kirupa then lava! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

kirupa is like a drug… and we are all hooked…

soon it will be made illegal :player:

And that’ll make us want it even more :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

I’m sure someone’s mention a Kirupa Anonymous group… With it’s own 12 step programme to help cure you of your addiction. :slight_smile:

And whoever came up with the Mini Eggs thing deserves a medal. They’re fantastic. I’ve got through te whole packet in about 15 minutes. :blush: