man, seriously, this thing’s addicting… oh well… I have to get my butt to work now…
Your little K is still yellow Lava!! :beam:
What time are you going home to put my show up?
- Soul :s:
your so pushy SOUL… :stunned:
i dont know how your radio thing works but im guessing people submit a show of a limited number of songs and then people can choose what to listen to…
if thats how it works, someone needs to contribute a metal show!! RARGHHH!!! :beam:
someone has… he would be Hojo…
although the first song he plays is way off metal…
BUT the rest hits it on the spot…
sweet! i’ll check it out now
is your name taken from the band…
cos you can not beat Tool when it comes to the most soothing rock/prog/metal/greatness
maynard is truely amazing…
and if it isnt from the band then i apoligise for my ramblings.
yes it is taken from the band! i love them :love: even better live :beam:
maynard is amazing but everything about them is amazing…
hojo’s show wasn’t there :-\
yeah it is… click on ‘listen now’ then its called ‘metal gallery with hojo’
Tool are really really good… do you have the salival DVD/CD box set? the live CD you get with that is awsome…
ahhh i found the link…listening to it now…i was clicking the Listen button and there is no link in there…
yeah i do have Salival…the DVD/CD…well No Quarter is so **** good! Do you have it? One thing I’m confused about is that my copy in the booklet mixes up the names of You Lied and Merkaba…what I mean is that what is labelled Merkaba is really You Lied and what is labelled You Lied is Merkaba so I’m not too sure which is which…
apparently there’s going to be a live DVD released of their recent tour in the US…ooooo goodie!!!
yeah i have it… im currently working my way to owning all there albums… i only own two. Latralus and Aenima, but i have the Salival Box set too… my next purchase will be Undertow, then Opaite…
sweet, i have all their albums and even some live bootlegs…shhhhhh I’m sure you will definitely find Opiate and Undertow just as good as everything else
what other bands do you like?
urm my taste is very diverse… so Tool are one of the heavier bands i like… but heavy bands i like are… to name a few
(hed) p.e
Rage Against The Machine
A Perfect Circle
Boy Hits Car
System Of A Down
Slipknot (because of live experiences)
there are a few more but i tend to sway more to less heavy more quitar orientated music…
hey if you guys want to make some requests as to stuff you’d like to hear, pm hojo… he’s working on the show right now.
i listen to a fairly wide variety of music (atleast i think) so i like:
Rammstein (they are so cool live, pyros!!)
they’re the same as you but I also like:
Type O Negative - these guys are goth I’m pretty sure
Dream Theater
Opeth - Swedish metal band that are good, haven’t heard alot from them though
then there’s bands like:
Audioslave (seeing them on April 25th)
Foo Fighters
Queens of the Stoneage
Alice In Chains
Red Hot Chili Peppers
and it goes on…
requests hey? how about all of the above!!
yeah i like all the bottom lot…
speically audioslave.
awesome music taste thumbs up hehehe they should have a section of this forum dedicated to all the musos who love their bands or djs depending on what you like
well… you can go to my site, there’s a forum there. Although it doesnt have a lot of users there, that’s what I intend it to become… a music forum.
yeah, i persume once you get more listeners then it’ll start to fill up.