The new WRAF show is up

another forum to join :!: maybe later…i find it hard enough finding the time to post here…i really shouldn’t be here. it’s almost 1:30 am and I’m trying to write 600 words about some article…i have to get up at 7:30…i’m so screwed :frowning:

hehe i love other peoples misfourtune

thanks for the support starpromo :hair: <----- he looks grumpy so i used that…i could tell you more about my misfortune with university if you really wanted to hear about it all :+)

haha, im sure you need to be in bed, maybe another day and in another chapter of the great book of life.

yeah thats a good idea…its been good talking to you, fellow Tool fan :beam: and hard rockin amigo \m/

until next time…


TOB :sleep:

yeah nice to see other people with similar tastes in decent music…

buh bye


*Originally posted by Soul *
**Your little K is still yellow Lava!! :beam:

What time are you going home to put my show up?

  • Soul :s: **

Ok… I leave work at 6 pm today, get home at 7pm. I’ll immediately start working on your show, it will take me about an hour, so it will be up by 8pm. To all those times, add 5 hours to get your time.

Sorry bout that, I’m trying to find another job, and I spent all day yesterday trying to find one.

Don’t worry about it Lava :slight_smile: I understand

  • Soul :s: