- (Classic) Take some warm water and put it on the hand of a friend while they are asleep. Later on that night they self Pee
that actually works? wierd
It’s not actually a prank but … feed seagulls alkaseltzer and watch them explode
- (Classic) Take some warm water and put it on the hand of a friend while they are asleep. Later on that night they self Pee
that actually works? wierd
It’s not actually a prank but … feed seagulls alkaseltzer and watch them explode
Ryall - that was hilarious.
I had a similiar experience…
My school participates in ‘quiz bowl’, a competition between schools where you do trivia and stuff. A local TV station started up a TV program that the schools compete on and our school made it to the finals. For the finals, they filmed it at an arts center downtown. The show is sponsored by the local health insurance company, and they were giving out (drumroll) free air fresheners in the shape of their logo. We think they were supposed to smell like vanilla, but whatever it was, it was nasty. :gas: I kept walking nonchalantly past the table and taking a couple at a time (they actually had someone standing there keeping watch over them), and pretty soon I had 50 or 60 stuffed into my pockets.
So, the next day at school, I brought them in. Some classmates took them to class, and while they were watching a video of some sort, hid them all over the place. Once you take them out of their wrappers, the smell oozes like a cloud of poison gas. The teacher, once he ‘smelled something funny’, figured out that something was happening and made them collect them all and throw them out. The collected about half, and the janitor came with a fan, evidently with the intent of dissapating the smell into the hallway. However, the janitor hated the smell and refused to come near the room, so the teacher set the fan up. The catch? There were still 20 things hidden in the room, so it kept on smelling and just blew the smell around the whole lower level of the school. :lol:
The best part was that we have two sections of class, and I was in the later one, so we complained about the smell and didn’t have to have class that day. Best of all, no one was really punished!
Another prank involved finding official stationary and sending the same teacher a letter, politely saying that he was fired and his position would be filled by a dancing circus monkey. :thumb:
He also always hid his clock during class, he said that we looked at it more than we did at him. (Honestly, can you blame us?) So, one day we had a substitute, we went into the library and photocopied a clock 250 times, and wallpapered his room with them (with a couple on the ceiling and floor for good measure) All this was done with the sub sitting right there at his desk (we really do have the best substitute teachers )
One last one: We switched the ‘M’ and ‘N’ keys on his keyboard, and unplugged his mouse and speakers. The next day in class, he figured out the mouse/speakers quickly, but every couple of minutes we would see him look more closely at the screen, then hit the backspace key and look down at his keyboad and carefully hit either the M or N key, then look puzzled and continue. :sure: :lol:
I remember something that somebody from my brother’s class did once.
There was this teacher who said “The lesson starts when i come in the class and turn on the lights!!!” So… one of them unscrewed a light bulb put a coin in there and screwed it back in and when the teacher came… pooof - no lights… no lesson
these are hilarious, keep them coming!
Once long ago in high school a bunch of us got together and made a tape of 15 minutes of silence and then 15 minutes or so of extremely loud noise - screaming, cymbals crashing (I’m a drummer), those air in a can things you release at football games, whistles, you name it. Then we copied the tape a dozen or so times. We managed to scrounge together the same number of those handheld tape recorders and we planted them in between stacks of books in the high school library. Then we all hit ‘play’ at the same time and nonchalantly walked out (some stayed to watch). 15 minutes later all pandemonium broke loose. It was awesome. And they only found about 3 of the tape players . . .
Hahahaahaha oh man. Some of these are great.
I think I mentioned the frozen shaving cream one in the exploding batteries thread. Let’s see…I have this book, it’s about 40 years old, and it has the most devious, humiliating pranks of all time…I need to find it. Well, I can remember this one off the top of my head, so…
If you ever have a friend who’s going to go out on a date or a road trip with some friends, do this. I forget what the “special ingredient” is, but it’s not Ex-lax or anything. What you do is, you invite them over for dinner. You lace whatever you make with this stuff (it’s a powder that dissolves fairly quickly, and is invisible), but you eat something else. Say you’re watching what you’re eating or something to that extent. Then, you feed the victim the laced version, and everyone else the regular version. Tricky to do, but it’s possible. About 30 minutes later, the victim will be sh*tting his pants and letting loose the rankest farts of all time. Think the flaming farts episode of South Park.
Any others…hmmmmmm…well, you could do this one, but take note: it only works when it’s hot out. Place mayonnaise on someones door handle to their car. Give it about 3 minutes, and it’ll be a greasy, stinky mess.
Another is a little more nasty, so it’s reserved for your worst enemies. Take roadkill and hide it under their car frame. The rotting carcass will stink up the inside of their car, and, needless to say, 3 week old rotting skunk (or whatever) is hard to mask.
My friend decided to dress up as Drag Queen for Halloween one year, and we printed up some fake business cards, and when we went for the candy, he’d simply give them the card and give a little Drag Queen Prostitute business pitch. It was funny when he gave it to 95 year old ladies, they almost passed out when they saw him.
BTW: The pranks in that book are so insanely detailed, it’s not even funny. Most of them were taken alot more lightly 40 years ago, so If i find it, I’ll post only the ones that would be funny to imagine, not to actually do. You’d probably get charged with a criminal offense.
A good prank to do to an annoying seagull that takes all your food when your not looking would have to be this… First, find a well-sized rock that looks almost too big for the seagull to eat. Next, take a slice a bread and cover the whole rock in bread so that the rock looks now like a big ball of bread. throw it near a seagull and wathch him swallow the whole freakin rock! That rock will cause some problems later on…watch out for falling bird poop next time your at the beach…it might hurt :hurt: I know its mean to do that to a seagull but come on…he shouldnt have ate my chips!
I dont know if this works on many humans…but you never know in todays world :puzzle:
LMAO omg im so glad i posted this, god i needed a laugh :beam:
i wasn’t sure what you meant by sprayer thing, but then once i figured it out, i realized how truly devious the prank is…
I still don’t get it
Did anyone try the plastic wrap thing I posted? I did it yesterday, it was hilarious… my friend went in and 2 secs later:
[size=3]HOLY F***ING CRAP!!![/size]
LMAO I was laughing so hard… after he went out I quickly put on gloves and took the wrap off and threw it away… when my mom came to look, she made him clean the bathroom…
Next, take a slice a bread and cover the whole rock in bread so that the rock looks now like a big ball of bread. throw it near a seagull and wathch him swallow the whole freakin rock!
No don’t do that… it’ll kill him cos it will either get stuck in his crop or get stuck right before he poops… considering what seagulls eat though, you’d think they get piles a lot
Place mayonnaise on someones door handle to their car. Give it about 3 minutes, and it’ll be a greasy, stinky mess.
I’ve done that on my front door with Vaseline (the pranksters #1 tool btw) and my mom spent 3 whole minutes trying to grip the handle before she noticed I was laughing my head off behind her… lol
if you ever have a friend who’s going to go out on a date or a road trip with some friends, do this. I forget what the “special ingredient” is, but it’s not Ex-lax or anything. What you do is, you invite them over for dinner. You lace whatever you make with this stuff (it’s a powder that dissolves fairly quickly, and is invisible), but you eat something else. Say you’re watching what you’re eating or something to that extent. Then, you feed the victim the laced version, and everyone else the regular version. Tricky to do, but it’s possible. About 30 minutes later, the victim will be sh*tting his pants and letting loose the rankest farts of all time. Think the flaming farts episode of South Park.
Was it fiber?
ok ok Ive got a few…
1st…my dad, when he was in college he wasn’t the richest guy (still isn’t) so him and his friends had beatles(the car). Well while one of his room mates went out of town his other two roommates decided to take apart his car…and rebuild it inside his room ^_^. yes they actually did it.
2nd…me, I am lets just say…good at acting retarded (yes i know its mean) Well one day after school, wrestling practice was cancelled for some odd reason and me and my 2 best friends had no ride home…so basically I went around terrorizing the school. Since I am naturally gifted at acting retarded I would get this little retarded walk going and get the drool coming out and I would RUN after people. At first people wouldn’t do much cause I was laughing but when i got more serious people would start to run. Mean while my friends were acting like they were chasing after me. I ran through the step team (something we have here in florida) practice and oh man that was great, I wish i had it on camera or something.
last. I was staying at a college dorm for some church youth program crap and it was the last night. My little group of friends decided we had to go out with a bang. We put tape over the doors so they wouldn’t lock when they closed (automatically locked) so we could come in at like 3 AM. Lets just say SHARPIE, SHAVING CREAM, BALOONS, and AIR HORN
Put Green Hair Dye inside a persons Shampoo bottle. i did that to my sister and she was pissed at me for weeks.
I did that once the bird couldnt fly and finnally it try going and diedI was lkike o **** i killed nature and thot i was a bad person for a week
Here’s one off the top of my head, not very good but, try placing a large rubber spider inside your moms bed… lol… and sit back and wait for the screams… lol
I think I’m more scared of spiders than my mom is. :pirate:
Me too. But that doesnt stop me! :bad:
:lol: Some people have, on their kitchen sink next to the main faucet, a little spray nozzle type thing that pulls out on a type of retractable cord. When you squeeze the handle water comes out of the nozzle instead of the kitchen faucet. So you put a rubberband or something around it so the handle is squeezed in - then when someone turns on the kitchen sink faucet it comes out of the spray nozzle and soaks them!
Oh here, just look at the picture:
lol that is great im so going to do that after this hurricane passes >_< everyone is in a bad mood so its not the greatest time
I get it now thanks, unfortunately, I don’t know anyone with that sort of sink system
Goin’ to bed now, I’ll think up more pranks…
Grrrrrrrrrrrr Not Funny
When I was eight a friend of my oldest sister baked some exlax brownies. They were for someone else. They were on top of my stove and noone was around. I scarfed down three of them and was sooooooooo F’ed up it wasnt funny. I ate four times the dose for an adult. I cant even explain the consistancy of the liquid I was dumping from my backside. I got all dehydrated and was pretty laid out for a few days.
LOL!!! hmmm i HAVE to buy this ingredient now
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