ok all you amatuers noob pranksters heres some real evil ****.
take a crap in a public restroom. save the skittiest piece of toilet paper after you wipe your ***… then go to the hot air blower hand dryer and wipe your **** inside the blower part… … when someone uses the air blower it will blow out hot stinky **** air on their clean hands… bonus points if they turn it up and blow their face.
take off shower head in shower. get roll of life savers and unwrap but leave them all stacked up nice…slip this into the pipe so that the water can go thru the holes in the life savers…replace shower head… when they shower they will get all sticky from the melting life savers… they wont know what the **** happend so they will take another ****ty sticky shower…eventually yhte lifesavers will melt away and noone will know what the **** happend and why they were so sticky…
spray some pepper spray or mace on some toilet paper… the females will love it.
spray mace in the grill of someone car when they drive or turn on heat/AC they get maced.
**** in some tin foil wrap it up and poke a couple of small pinholes… leave in car or under bed… tuna fish works great too.
Holy crap you got some good ones there, the pepperspray on the toilet paper isnt really good though, that could really cause people pain… I think… I loved the lifesavers one, I HAVE to try it… mabye next time I go tosomeones house
If you have a bunch of mechanic friends, this is a great one. One of my friends went away for spring vacation, and while he was gone, we took apart his car, and put it back together in his room. It even ran too. Educational…and funny as hell when he got back! When he came into the room my friend was tryin gto do a little 3-point turn action in the room.
me and my friends waged guerrila warfare on the teachers at our school earlier this week, (with water bombs). we’d either take pot shots from the third story into the quad, or put our jumprs over our faces and do attacks on the run sprinting though the gym…
gee were stupid, but it is the last week of school and we had to do somthin.
they neva found out who it was but the funniest thing was how serious they tok it, they had meetings and had more teachers on duty and stuff…
oh and by the way.
i got a head shot
one of my friends got a torso hit, and the rest only hit with splashback