§§§§:This has to happen:§§§§

Guigo… Party of one - your table is ready :!:

…poor Guigo…

wow that means that i´ll party with me, myself and I ??? :frowning:


Nooo, its gotta be everyone! :beam:

  • Soul :s:

but… but… relandr said party for one… :frowning:

Well I’m going for London. Two votes!

yea it would be better with everyone. This is most likely not going to work out because of school and work. :frowning:

What we’d need is a big company sposor to pay for tickets to one place for all the regular members… :slight_smile:

Thats a pretty cool idea man.

I would be down if it didnt cost an ***load of bread.

I could do florida. I am on the east coast anyway. I can get airfare for like $125

I am down with Brazil too.

Them brazillian girlies are S M O K I N G!!!

YAY! :beam:


i´ll be your tour guide :wink:

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I think we should meet @ syko’s house…

that way we could triple the population of Estonia, all at once…


Rev **

haha, Estonia, would be great, because it’s about 5-6 hours from my home =)

heh, 3 votes for Estonia (rev, me and syko) … anyone else?

:slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok man…you guide me to to the ladies and I will take it from there :slight_smile:

oh… and there´ll be lotsa of them :wink:

believe me :beam: