*Originally posted by kennyb *
**I think I misunderstod. When you said “main movie” you meant the timeline of the _root stage - I think.
Yes I have a main movie that is the menu for loading external .swf files. Yes this would be the _root stage, and I am loading the external files onto “container” which is level 1.
**But, while we’re clarifying - Let me define what I mean by “instance name”, as it is very, very important in Flash.
When you have a movieclip in your library and you drag it out onto stage, down in the lower left corner of the properties box is a window to give that instance of the movieclip a unique name. This allows you to drag as many instances of that particular mc onto stage and address them all uniquely - by their instance name.
Yes this is what I did to each of the buttons, I gave them each an “instance name”, so that when pressed it could load an external .swf file. I did that right?
**On the frame that contains your stop():
stop() **
Okay this would work if I were in only the _root stage. Like if I had a movie that played to frame 400 and at the end wanted to return back to frame 200, right?
But what I have is an external .swf file that is loaded onto what would be level 1, and when it is complete I want it to return to the _root level at frame 200 (labeled “menu”).
Would it be easier to just tell the external .swf to loadMovie Main at frame 200?
Kinda loop one into the other, and then at the end loop it back into the main movie?
Sorry if I am confusing you, I am very lost myself.
Thanks SO much for all your help,