Today's job market

I just found this posted on a local job board…

The job is for a lab assistant in a Mac based computer lab, in a very expensive Art Academy wink wink in San Francicso, CA…
Ideal candidate will be articulate, attentive and knowledgeable of most of the following software programs:
Adobe’s Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premier, Acrobat, Quark Xpress.
Macromedia’s Director, Flash, Dreamweaver.
Internet Explorer and Netscape.
Thorough knowledge of Mac OS.
Previous customer service experience a plus.

This is a part-time position.
$12/hour, 37 weeks per year.

Shift Available:
Friday through Tuesday
7:15am-3:45pm </b>

If anybody feels that they are qualified, please send me an email, and I will get you in touch…


no comments?

$12/hr is almost what the retailers are paying…

doesn’t anybody know all of these progs?

seriously, can you believe this ad?


…retailers (?)-like Jack-in-the-Box ???

Is that seriously what SF Art whatever is expecting to give for all that ???

retailers like a sporting goods store…

and yup, that is what they want for $12/hr…

I don’t qualify, and I charge a min. of $50/hr…


…I think my lawnmower makes $12 p/hr…

Ok - Mall retailers…yupYupyup - methInks our local IN&out Burger joint has senior flippers at near that wage… :!:

In N Out Burger managers make 6 figures a year. The ones in the Northern California area make a bit more since the cost of living is more expensive there.

But ****… that’s a pretty stingy offer for such a demanding skillset. And you start at 7 in the morning! Aww hell no!

It is a pain to start that early… but that’s okay, since you can’t afford to rent an apt. in San Francicso, you’ll be sleeping in the lab anyway…

This school charges $40k/yr for tuition…



Or sleep in the Marina dist. park (across from safeway)… ina Van

they gonna start charging for that now…

one of the only free lots in town left…



…how’s the rent at loaves and Fishes these days ??? =)

how 'bout a hotel at Turk & Eddy…


…OoOoO…tenderLoin I presume…(but they don’t cross each other)

'scuse me, I was thinking Jones and Eddy…

I try to stay away from there (even tho it’s just a couple blocks)


Wow Rev, that’s pretty low, I just landed a job that pays $20/hr that only ask for Dreamweaver MX, Flash MX, Photoshop, Illustrator and Quark Express knowledge.

yes, and it is for the SF Academy of Art…



I wanted to go to that school so bad, way too far and way too pricey for me. :frowning:

from what I understand (I have never met a graduate), it is a fantastic school…

I just think it is odd I haven’t run into any alumni… maybe they all leave town when the graduate…



One of my professors was a graduate from there, he still does freelance work while teaching.

Itchy-Goo-Boeddeker Park (???) …

that’s right, yer right up from there in theatreVille on the way to SnobHill :beam:…;);):wink:

…Anywhoszamit - the wonderfull folks at the academy d`AtrsyFartsy need a reallity check - ya think ???

I prefer to call it “The TenderKnob.”

and I think they will get someone for $12, but not with an understanding of most of those programs…
