True picture of Revverend Flash

I have already posted a photo of me…

Of course it was back in '95, and I am wearing the culinary condom… for you Phil:

But it is still me… :stuck_out_tongue:


He has a picture of himself on here.

I believe it is hidden away in the Tell Us About Yourself thread :-\

[edit] HAHA We posted at the same tim [/edit]

I lied… it was '94… :stuck_out_tongue:

long live Jerry Garcia… :stuck_out_tongue:


haha, my fellow dead head!

Come here Uncle John’s band, swaying to the tide, come on come on or go alone he’s come to take his children home…


Rev… u look kinda familiar… odd…

rev love the new footer! :stuck_out_tongue:

he does doesnt he? i swear i seen him b4…

I love that cake. What was it for?

What else would it be for?

A woman… :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean the lighting bolt skulls. It ain’t no kiddy party cake

its the Greatful Dead head! i am 13 and knew that! lol. Long live the Dead!!! and they might go back on tour like the Stones!!! w00t!

How can they go back out. Jerry’s dead.:frowning:

I finally got my scanner hooked up again…

first, a more current version of me w/2 of my roomates in Hawaii, circa 1996… I’m the one in the middle…

then here’s a shot of my gf & I a couple years ago at a party at the beach… notice the beads, and a raydread-ish shirt… :stuck_out_tongue: I’m the one on the right…

BTW, the place was pitch dark, and the photographer was smashed… it was Mardis Gras after all… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


Rev…you look crunked up, after how many shots of tequilla did they take that picture? Or maybe the photographer does a good job of putting an alcoholic label on the whole picture with his nice centering skills! lol =)

It was Mardis Gras…:sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

I didn’t drive home… :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:


Well, I don’t think you would be posting at all right now if you did drive home that night…errr morning lol

lol. Sintax, they dont NEED jerry to go back out on tour, they would find somebody eles, although i just wouldnt be the same w/o jerry.

…busted down on burbon street…


go to… you will see a link to “the other ones”

they are Billy, Mickey, Bobby, Phil, Guitar #1 (I hear he is unbelievable), and a new keyboard (I hear he is also incredible).

Anyway, my point is that they are on tour now…

A fantastic time to be had by all… :stuck_out_tongue:
