Tutes -- What the hell?

http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/alpha.htm ??
http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/motiontween.htm ???


Why not a tute about how to start the software? :confused:

hahahha I’ve always wanted to learn how to make an object transparent, that’s awesome!! Finally someone made a tutorial! :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the motion tween tutorial, who needs the one provided by the help menu in flash? This one is way better! hahaha :stuck_out_tongue:

good idea! =)

… better yet, a tut on how to use the help menu!

or even draw shapes?

Not bad, newbies are alot guys.

or how to use the search button?



lol - it was very basic, so I figured I might as well add it up :wink: I’ll make sure the next tutorials by alex involve more than two lines and a blurry screenshot :wink:

Reminds me of those component tutorials from last year. shudders

On a brighter note, DP wrote a fairly good (at least I think so :)) tutorial on alerts in JavaScript. I’ve attached it.

Kirupa :q:

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**Reminds me of those component tutorials from last year. shudders **
Yeah, those were awesome…

Let’s face it, we’ve all seen the level of some of the questions in the Flash forums… :sure:

Wow, that transparency tutorial is like… lame and stuff. Especially since using _visible = false is more accurate for making invisible clips than _alpha = 0.

The motion tweening one is a TAD bit more understandable, for those people who are too lame to open the help files that teach you in detail how to do that stuff.

DP - Although I don’t really like him (he used to be TaylorTAP right??), that is a pretty good tutorial, so my feelings for him aside…hehe. He did mispell first in the first line there…hehe.

You should also mention was onBlur is… It is when you kill the focus off of a link. Like when you click on it you set focus on it, and when you click elsewhere on the document you take the focus off of the link you clicked.

And being a javascripter he should know to set the links as javascript:void(0) instead of #. You want to void the link, not make the link go back to the top of the page. It makes it quite difficult to check the onDblClick :wink:

Other than that… I think it should be added (if it wasn’t already)

Thanks - I’ll make those modifications lost :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**And being a javascripter he should know to set the links as javascript:void(0) instead of #. You want to void the link, not make the link go back to the top of the page. **

yeah, whats with that # stuff :sigh: thats a pain sometimes :slight_smile:

Yeah # is a pain. # is used to jump to a named page anchor (like #anchorName), so when no anchor is specified it jumps to the top of the page instead. I really hate when people use # on a scrollable page. It is fine if the page doesn’t scroll since you get no jump, but other than that… argh!.

I got in the habit of using javascript:void(0) because I got annoyed when testing a layout and having it jump to the top when I wanted to test my CSS link colors.

The # is just a pain… There’s loads of them littered on the Churchill site, so every time I see them I erase the little bleeders… :sure: